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ProGrad Lab | JS BLOG

We have learned Object-oriented programming and how class and inheritance work in JavaScript. Now lets work with our Viking friends, applying all of the concepts we have just learned.

What should you do

Fork this repo
Clone this repo
Practice OOPs Features

How To Submit

Upon completion, run the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "ProGrad ID"
git push origin master

And finally, create a pull request so your ProGrad Mentor (PM) can review your work.


We must write the correct code in the script.js file. In this file you will find the following starter code:

class Blog{


In this case, it says that Blog class should receive 2 arguments (title & detail), so we have to write the correct code. Let's make the Blog class receive two arguments:

class Blog{


Progression 1: WRITE UP

Modify the Blog class and add two methods to it: addTitle(), and addDescription().


  • should receive two arguments title and detail.
  • should receive title as first argument.
  • should receive detail as second argument.


  • should be a method.
  • should receive 0 arguments.
  • should display the title of Blog as H1.
     var title_card = document.createElement('h1');
        title_card.innerHTML += this.title;


  • should be a method.
  • should have 0 arguments.
  • should display the description as a paragraph. Image description

Image description

Progression 2: SHOW EM UP

Setup EventListeners, so that we can display the entire blog for the users Image description

Happy Coding ProGrads❤️