
⚙️ Notes of reading Netty in Action and Netty source code.


⚙️ Notes of reading Netty in Action and Netty source code.

Created by : Mr Dk.

2021 / 02 / 18 23:01

Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


Notes of reading Netty in Action by Norman Maurer and Marvin Allen Wolfthal, translated by 何品, together with some code analysis of Netty-4.1.59.Final.

Core Point

  • Different programming model of Java BIO / Java NIO / Netty
  • Implementation differences of Java NIO ByteBuffer / Netty ByteBuf
  • Concepts in Java Executor framework (Executor Service / Thread Pool / Future)
  • Different EventExecutor(Group) / EventLoop(Group) implementations
  • ...