Glue code for solving semidefinite programs in Cvxpy format using the SDPT3 package for Matlab.
- 3
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'solve'
#42 opened by Skyorca - 2
Compatibility with cvxpy 1.0 ?
#40 opened by ipa-lth - 1
- 1
Remove dependency on cvxopt
#33 opened by TrishGillett - 0
- 2
Have a way to reconstruct the solution to the cvxpy problem from the solution to the simplified Sedumi problem.
#2 opened by TrishGillett - 5
Confirm how cvxpy returns cvxopt version
#7 opened by TrishGillett - 2
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Installation issues
#27 opened by SteveDiamond - 0
L181 in sedumi_writer seems wrong.
#23 opened by jkawamoto - 5
Decide package name of this project.
#15 opened by jkawamoto - 2
Octave support
#3 opened by TrishGillett - 0
Why do SDPT3 solves use Selenium?
#8 opened by TrishGillett - 0
SDPT3 needs symmetric input
#6 opened by TrishGillett - 6
Exported Sedumi .mat isn't working, Matlab errors during read_sedumi command of SDPT3solve.m
#4 opened by TrishGillett - 0
No NEOS submissions working
#5 opened by TrishGillett - 0
Enhancement: Add SOC constraint support
#1 opened by TrishGillett