
Blood Donation Web App - Create a user-friendly platform for blood donation activities. Features include user registration, blood donation requests, donor management, content management, and role-based access control. Built using MERN stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BLDONORS- Blood donation MERN web app

Technology Used:

  • React, Node, Express, JWT, HTML, CSS, JS
  • MongoDB, Firebase
  • Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, MaterialUI, Tanstack

Key Features:


  • Purpose: Create a user-friendly platform for blood donation activities.
  • Scope: Features include user registration, blood donation requests, donor management, content management, and role-based access control. Built using MERN stack.

User Roles and Permissions

  • Admin 🌐: Access to all features.
  • Donor🩸: Register, view/respond to donation requests, and maintain a profile.
  • Volunteer 🤝: Create/manage donation requests.

User Authentication (public)

  • Registration:
  • Input fields: email, name, avatar, blood group, district, upazila, password, confirm_password.
  • Default status: "active," admin can block users.
  • Login: Email and password.

Dashboard (private🔒)

  • All layouts with a sidebar, fully responsive.
  • Profile Page (/dashboard/profile): Display user info, and update profile (email not editable).
  • Donor Dashboard Home Page (/dashboard): Display welcome message. Show 3 recent donation requests. "View My All Requests" button redirects to the My Donation Requests Page.
  • My Donation Requests Page (/dashboard/my-donation-requests): Display the user's donation requests in a table with pagination and filtering.
  • Create Donation Request Page (/dashboard/create-donation-request): Form with various input fields to create a donation request.

Admin Dashboard:

Same layout as the Donor Dashboard. Display statistics (total users, funding, blood donation requests). Manage users, donation requests, and content.

Volunteer Dashboard:

Same layout as the Admin Dashboard. Limited privileges compared to admin.

Home Page (public):

  • Navbar with links for donation requests, blog, login, registration, dashboard, and funding.
  • Banner with "Join as a donor" and "Search Donors" buttons.
  • Featured section (customizable).
  • Contact Us section with a form and contact number.
  • Footer with relevant links.
  • Search Page (public): Form with input fields for blood group, district, upazila, email, and search button. Display donor list based on search criteria.

Blood Donation Requests (public):

  • Display all pending donation requests with details.
  • Each request shows the requester's name, location, date, time, and view button.

Blood Donation Details Page (private🔒)

  • Display all information from the creation of a donation request.
  • Donate button opens a modal with a form and confirm button.

Blog Page (public)

  • Display all published blogs.
  • Implement search functionality.

Funding Page (private🔒)

  • Users can give funding through Stripe payment.
  • Display funding history in a tabular format.


  • Make the entire website and dashboard responsive.


  • Implement JWT on login and secure private APIs with JWT.