
A movie rating site that obviously bares no resemblance to any other existing sites. This project implements Redux in a React App and was made in 10 days while attending Turing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Collaborators: Kyle Cornelissen, Tristan Holtz, Ryan Novak

About Rancid Tomatoes

Rancid Tomatoes is a project building an application for users to sign in and rate movies. The application features fetch calls to a back end API and Redux magic featuring React components and front end testing using Jest and Enzyme. The project took about a week and all the team members ended up great friends in the end.

Learning Goals

  • Reinforce React fundamentals
  • Reinforce using React Router to create a multi-page user experience
  • Reinforce component and asynchronous JS testing
  • Work with and navigate a shared, persistent API using GET, POST, and DELETE requests
  • Implement Redux as the app’s place to store shared state
  • Test Redux functions

Production Link



  1. Fork or clone down this repo
  2. In your terminal, run npm i
  3. Run npm start and use your browser to navigate the app


  • React
  • Redux
  • JavaScript / JSX
  • Jest / Enzyme
  • HTML / CSS


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