
elasto-plastic deformation finite element code

Primary LanguageC++

The codes in this directory accompany the paper
   J. Frohne, T. Heister, W. Bangerth
   "Efficient numerical methods for the large-scale, parallel solution
    of elastoplastic contact problems"
   International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015

The source code is contained in the step-42.cc file and is a variation
of the step-42 tutorial program of the open source library deal.II,
see http://www.dealii.org/ . The step-42 tutorial program is, in
essence, an extensively documented version of the program in this
directory, but it has been streamlined slightly for educational

To run the program you have to:
- Install deal.II as well as Trilinos and p4est. The deal.II
  installation instructions at http://www.dealii.org/ provide
  extensive documentation on how to do this.
- Run cmake to configure the current directory, using the command line
    cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/dealii .
  where /path/to/dealii is a path to an installed version of deal.II
- Compile the step-42.cc file into an executable using the command
- Run the executable using a command line such as
    mpirun -n 4 ./step-42 filename.prm
  Here, "filename.prm" has to be replaced by one of the .prm files in
  this directory. Obviously, you can also use fewer or more than the 4
  processors selected above -- some of the computations in the paper
  in fact use more than 1,000.

There are a number of input files (*.prm) in this directory that
correspond to the various computations shown in the paper.