
iKettle, iKettle 2.0 & Smarter Coffee Toolkit

Primary LanguagePython

iBrew: Aye!

WARNING: VERSION 3 of the iKettle and VERSION 2 of the Smarter Coffee NOT SUPPORTED

You can thank ga-rat for that see:


For now... the iKettle, iKettle 2.0 and Smarter Coffee Interface

Would it be time for new hardware???


Hot! News

Now! macOS & windows apps! With nice icon in the taskbar! :-)

Domoticz Automatic Sensor Setup!

Trigger! You can now push your data or run commands! It is now possible to push sensor values and states of the appliances to other smarthome controllers using HTTP or run commands!

Please post links, information or help on interfacing with smarthome controllers software in the issues! There are too many out there for me to test and write guides for them all!. If you are a plugin coder or scripter and you do not have an iKettle or Smarter Coffee, just simulate one!

  • Simulates iKettle 2.0 ibrew simulate
  • Simulates Smarter Coffee machine ibrew simulate


iBrew is an interface to the iKettle 2.0 and Smarter Coffee devices (and has legacy support for the original iKettle, see below).

Stand alone, no internet or Smarter app needed!

It features!

For smarthome fans!

  • Support unlimited iKettle 2.0 or Smarter Coffee appliances! As many as you like!
  • Usage statistics!
  • No tracking!
  • Stand alone or bridge mode!
  • HomeKit Support
  • HTTP push!

iBrew Interfaces & Bridges

Connection Guides

No tracking of you or your appliances usage!

For the Smarthome and Domotics Interface experts!

  • Kettle and coffee machine simulation (works with Smarter app!)
  • Console for Smarter protocol debugging
  • Monitor
  • Message blocking and patching
  • Smarter protocol description (start web interface for a clickable web version :-)

Tested on iKettle 2.0 v19 and SmarterCoffee v20 & v22.

Please share any bugs, jokes, problems, discoveries you made!

Legacy support of the original iKettle

It features!

For smarthome fans!

  • Command Line
  • HomeKit support
  • Relay
  • Simulator
  • HTTP push!

Usefull links

Check out ikettle-brute-forcer

iBrew in the Media

The iKettle, the Eleven-Hour Struggle to Make a Cup of Tea, and Why It Was All About Data, Analytics and Connecting Things Together

Old :-) News

I would like to thank Ju4ia for letting me access his coffee machine remotely, and get more Smarter Coffee missing protocol bits, and... that I could test the client code. And all the other people helping track down bugs and supplying new features, whether by e-mail or in the issues, Thanks!

Since the console it nearly done, protocol almost fully mapped out. It is time to focus on the webpage... the framework is working, it auto reconnect, keeps some stats and you can even preform some actions with it.


Bugs or issues.

If you have jokes on coffee, tea, hot chocolade, coffee machines or kettles, please post in the issues!

Other Nice Smarthome stuff!!

  • iSamsungTV the command line interface to Samsung TV series C, D, E, F and Blue Ray Disc Players with Smart Hub feature.
  • Medisana Scale Domoticz bridge (easily adaptible) to Medisana BS440, BS430,... weight scales.
  • Xiaomi Mi Plant Sensor with Domoticz bridge (easily adaptible)
  • Vento The itho, duco, orcon, zehnder, storkair: arduino mysensors 2.0 controller!!!



You can run iBrew on systems that run python 2.7. Download and unpack the source, download it from github using Github Desktop or manually git clone https://github.com/Tristan79/iBrew.git. Finish the setup with running make setup in the iBrew folder to configure the python packages for bare bones operation. Update to the latest version of iBrew with git pull. Run make to see all other options possible.


From source

First no python is installed by default so head up over to python and install v2.7 (NOT 3) Secondly you need make, make sure you copy make.exe and its dll's to c:\windows or add it to your command path. The python win32 package and git or git for xp and your machine should be minial XP SP3.

For creating a package we need NSIS, the [PythonVC] (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266) or any other compilers compatible. For XP install .NET 3.5 and use Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 as a compiler. And after installing a compiler run make pyinstallerwin

Edit ibrewui with the Python IDLE editor and uncomment the pass and comment the out the following 3 lines

#from iBrewMac import MacGui
#                self.ui = MacGui(self.web)
#                self.ui.run()

Go into the source folder and use make setupwin to setup, use make win to create a package and use make cleanwin to clean up


By default, make sure that you give access in system preferences, security & privacy! The app is NOT signed and will NOT run until you give permission.

Once you start the app from the MacOS package (drag it to your application folder first) it will auto link iBrew in your terminal (due to a bug, this only works if you have brew installed, please run sudo ln -s /Applications/iBrew.app/Contents/MacOS/iBrewConsole /usr/local/bin/ibrew). Open a terminal and run ibrew and you're all set, good to go!

it creates a soft symlink to /usr/local/bin/ibrew,... :-)

From source

Make sure either the command line or xcode is installed, just run make in the source folder and it will prompt for a download! Go into the source folder and, use make setupmac to setup, use make mac to create a package and use make cleanmac to clean up. For a package you need to have patched pyinstaller, install it from source use make pyinstallermac


See Pi section.

Go into the source folder and, use make setuplin to setup, use make lin to create a package and use make cleanlin to clean up. For a package you need to have the pyinstaller >= 3.3 so install it from source use make pyinstallerlin


Bonjour is not enabled by default, to install it use make bonjourlin, make bonjourmac or for windows make bonjourwin. But you have to have bonjour installed on your system, macOS its out of the box, on most linux system you can install it with (or try equivalent packages for your *nix distro) apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-discover libnss-mdns and on Windows you either install iTunes or download it from apple. Also check out pybonjour

Raspberry Pi Jessy (light)

Tested on a clean Jessy light image (september 2016).


SSH to the Pi! And use:

cd ~
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
git clone https://github.com/Tristan79/iBrew.git
cd ~/iBrew/source
sudo make setuplin
sudo ln -s ~/iBrew/ibrew /usr/local/bin/ibrew

Now you can start ibrew from anywhere :-) Type in your terminal


Or if you want to start the web interface with event triggers type

ibrew events web

And surf to your pi on port 2080!


You can update to the latest version of iBrew with

cd ~/iBrew
git pull

Start web server on pi boot

To add the webserver on boot run

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/iBrew.service

Copy and paste this text and save with ctrl-x


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/iBrew/ibrew events web


Then run the additional commands

sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/iBrew.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable iBrew.service
sudo systemctl start iBrew.service
sudo systemctl status iBrew.service


Please post any bug or issues here on github! The error handling is still kinda broken... :-) now use dump to see more. Will revert to debug, info, logging (wip)

Log & config location


  • macOS ~/Library/Application Support/iBrew/logs
  • unix ~/.iBrew/logs
  • unix (root) /var/log/iBrew/
  • windows ~%APPDATA%\iBrew\logs


  • macOS ~/Library/Application Support/iBrew/
  • unix ~/.iBrew/
  • unix (root) /etc/iBrew/
  • windows ~%APPDATA%\iBrew\logs

Unable to connect to iKettle 2.0 or Smarter Coffee appliance

MoonTwo:iBrew Tristan$ ./ibrew list
[ 12:38:24] Found iKettle 2.0 (iBrew certified firmware v19)
[ 12:38:24] Found Smarter Coffee (iBrew certified firmware v20)
[ 12:38:24] Found iKettle 2.0 (iBrew certified firmware v19)

Some hints

  • Did you download, clone or pull iBrew from git to get the latest version with all the bug fixes?

Network trouble

  • Does the Smarter app autodetects it?
  • Is a firewall blocking port 2081 on your computer (or on your router)?
  • Does ./ibrew list work?
  • Make sure that your kettle/coffee machine is on the same network and subnet as your pc and your phone.
  • It could be that your router is blocking utp broadcast messages (some do, so it never auto detects).
  • Running it on a computer with only a loopback device will result in auto detection be disabled (when using the simulator)

Static IP address

  • Look up the IP address of the appliance in your router (dhpc server)
  • Set up a static IP address in your router (dhpc server) for your appliance

Reset wireless network

  • Reset appliance (iKettle is longer then 10 seconds button hold on base, coffee machine, eeuh I forgot which button but you can use the smarter app to reset your appliance wireless network to direct mode [FIX])
  • If the appliance is reset. Try connect with your wifi of your pc (if it has wifi) to the appliance its wireless network access point iKettle:?? or SmarterCoffee:?? try if iBrew works.
  • Reconnect to your wifi network (and if you are lucky and could connect with iBrew in direct mode, the command is ./ibrew join namewireless password) else use your phone app.


Command Line

See the console section for the commands.

  iBrew Server

  Usage: ibrew (dump) (events) (fahrenheid) server (host:(port) (host:(port))

    dump                   dump message enabled
    events                 enable trigger events (monitor, relay, console)
    fahrenheid             use fahrenheid
    web                    start web interface & rest api
    port                   optional port number, default 2082
    rules                  blocking & patching rules
    host                   host address of the appliance (format: ip4, ip6, fqdn)
    port                   port of appliance, optional, only use if alternative port

  iBrew Legacy iKettle Command Line

  Usage: ibrew (dump) (events) legacy command (host(:port))

    command                iKettle command, action to take!
    events                 enable trigger events (monitor, relay)
    host                   host address of the appliance (format: ip4, ip6, fqdn)
    port                   port of appliance, optional, only use if alternative port

  iBrew iKettle 2.0 & Smater Coffee Command Line

  Usage: ibrew (dump) (events) (legacy [bridge|emulate] (host:(port))) (shout|slow) (coffee|kettle) (fahrenheid) [command] (host(:port))

    bridge                 emulate iKettle 2.0 using legacy iKettle (NOT IMPlEMENTED)
    emulate (host:(port)   emulates legacy iKettle
    coffee                 assumes coffee machine
    command                action to take!
    dump                   dump message enabled
    events                 enable trigger events (monitor, relay, console)
    fahrenheid             PARTLY WORKING use fahrenheid
    host                   host address of the appliance (format: ip4, ip6, fqdn), only use if detection fails
    kettle                 assumes kettle
    port                   port of appliance, optional, only use if detection fails
    shout                  sends commands and quits not waiting for a reply
    slow                   fully inits everything before action

  If you do not supply a host, it will try to connect to the first detected appliance
  Thus if you have more then one appliance supply a host (if its not in direct mode)

The following commands are available, note that [] are manditory arguments and () are optional arguments.


  iKettle Commands
    heat                   start heating water
    stop                   stop heating water
    65C                    select temperature 65°c
    80C                    select temperature 80°c
    95C                    select temperature 95°c
    100C                   select temperature 100°c
    warm                   start keep water warm
    5m                     select 5 minutes keep water warm
    10m                    select 10 minutes keep water warm
    20m                    select 20 minutes keep water warm
    status                 Get status

    protocol               protocol information
    simulate               start kettle simulation
    relay ((ip:)port)      start relay
    trigger                see triggers section
    triggers               overview of legacy triggers

  iKettle 2.0 & Smarter Coffee Commands
    default                set default settings
    info                   appliance info
    list                   list detected appliances
    reset                  reset appliance to default
    start                  start the appliance
    status (full)          show status
    settings               show user settings
    stop                   stop the appliance

  iKettle 2.0 Commands
    base                   show watersensor base value
    base [base]            store watersensor base value
    boil                   heat till 100°C
    calibrate              calibrates watersensor
    celsius                use celsius °C [console only]
    fahrenheid             use fahrenheid °F [console only]
    formula (temperature (keepwarm))] heat kettle in formula mode
    heat (temperature)(keepwarm))    heat kettle
    kettlecoffee           warms water for coffee 95°C
    milk                   warm  65°C
    settings [temperature] [keepwarm] [formula] [formulatemperature] store kettle user settings
    tea [green,white,oelong,black] warms water for tea 65°C,80°C,90°C,100°C

  Smarter Coffee Commands
    beans                  use beans for coffee
    brew (cups (hotplate (grind (strength)))) brew coffee
    brew default           brew coffee with stored user default settings
    carafe                 returns if carafe is required
    carafe [state]         set carafe is required [true or false]
    cups [number]          set number of cups [1..12]
    descale                descale coffee machine
    filter                 use pregrind beans in filter for coffee
    hotplate off           turn hotplate off
    hotplate on (minutes)  turn hotplate on (time in minutes)
    mode                   return which mode: cup or carafe mode
    mode [mode]            set mode: [cup] or [carafe] mode
    pregrind               use pregrind beans in filter for coffee
    (strength) [strength]  set strength coffee [weak, medium or strong]
    settings [cups] [hotplate] [grind] [strength] store user settings

  Wireless Network Commands
    direct                 enable direct mode access
    join [net] (pass)      connect to wireless network
    rejoin                 rejoins current wireless network [not in direct mode]
    scan                   scan wireless networks

  Communication Commands
    connect (host) (rules&modifiers) connect to appliance
    block [rules]          block messages with groups or ids
    disconnect             disconnect connected appliance
    events                 start trigger events only
    patch [rules]          patch messages
    relay ((ip:)port)      start relay
    relay stop             stop relay
    remote info            info on remote relay
    remote block [rules]   remote block messages with groups or ids
    remote patch [rules]   remote patch
    remote rules (full)    show remote blocking and patching rules
    remote unblock [rules] remote unblock messages groups or ids
    rules (full)           show blocking & patching rules
    stats                  show traffic statistics
    unblock [rules]        unblock messages groups or ids

  Block Rules
    Consists of rules, in: is for outgoing connection to the appliance, out: is for incomming connection from relay client.


      message id
      group name

  Patch Rules
    Patches additional functionality


    VAR                VALUE
    temperaturelimit   STATE or [0..100]  kettle can not heat above VALUE degrees
    childprotection    STATE              kettle can not heat above 45 degrees

    trigger add [group] [trigger] [action] add trigger to a group
    trigger delete [group] (trigger) delete trigger or group triggers
    trigger groups         show list of groups
    trigger [group]        show triggers of group
    trigger                show all triggers
    trigger [group] [bool] enabled/disable trigger group
    trigger [group] switch [bool] set group switch type

  Smarthome Controllers
    domoticz (prefix (name)) [connection] set up Domoticz hardware (name) with [connection]
                           and sensors using (prefix)

                           Connection Examples

  Actions can either be a path to a command or url

  Trigger actions examples:
    /home/pi/iBrew/scripts/smarthome.sh Temperature §O §N

  Debug Commands
    time [time]            set the appliance time
    firmware               show firmware Wifi
    history                action history
    [hexdata]              send raw data to appliance (e.g. '64 7e')
    dump                   toggle 'dump raw messages'
    monitor                monitor incomming traffic
    simulate               start kettle (or coffee simulation)
    sweep (id)             [developer only] try (all or start with id) unknown command codes

  Help Commands
    examples               show examples of commands
    groups                 show all message groups
    group                  show messages in group
    messages               show all known protocol messages
    message [id]           show protocol message detail of message [id]
    notes                  show developer notes on the appliances
    protocol               show all protocol information available
    switches               show various forms of trigger switch types
    structure              show protocol structure information
    triggers               show triggers

  iBrew Commands
    console (rules) (modifiers) start console [command line only]
    joke                   show joke
    license                show license
    quit                   quit console [console only]

Alternativly you can run a console to test out the commands. Start the console with the command ibrew console


  Example command line:
    ibrew shout 21 30 05 7e  Send kettle raw heat without waiting for reply
    ibrew weak      Set coffee strength to weak
    ibrew strength weak      Set coffee strength to weak but do not toggle filter/beans
    ibrew dump coffee relay out:GOD,in:32 Simulates Smarter Coffee machine
    ibrew dump kettle relay out:GOD,in:14 Simulates iKettle 2.0

  Example console:
    off                      Stop heating/brewing
    messages                 Show all protocol messages
    message 3e               Show protocol message 3a, turn hotplate on
    167E                     Send kettle raw stop
    21 30 05 7e              Send kettle raw heat
    weak                     Set coffee strength to weak
    strength weak            Set coffee strength to weak but do not toggle filter/beans
    cups 3                   Set number of cups to brew
    mode cup                 Set cup mode
    block in:wifi,in:02          Block wifi and [Set appliance time] command to appliance
    brew 4 10 beans strong   Brew 4 cups of strong coffee using the beans keeping the hotplate on for 10 minutes
    join MyWifi p@ssw0rd     Joins MyWifi wireless network using p@ssw0rd as credential
    settings 100 20 On 75    Set default user settings for the kettle to...


Start a relay server on port 2081, it acts as an man in the middle passing messages between the appliance and the clients like the Smarter app or another iBrew instances. It can be configured to block and/or modify/patch certain messages. And as there is only one connection needed to the appliances. Good riddense of the annoying beep when the wireless network disconnects due to overload of connections. Also statistics are now possible.


  • No annoying beep. Only one connection to the appliance needed
  • A lot faster!
  • History and statistics possible!
  • Works with Smarter app!
  • Works with iBrew as client!?
  • Message blocking
  • Message patching

ibrew relay

Advance relay options

ibrew dump relay in:DEBUG,out:DEBUG

Bind relay server to localhost on a different port and uses the firewall to block all debug messages

To change the firewall rules of a relay server already running, use

ibrew remote unblock in:ADMIN,out:ADMIN

ibrew remote block in:DEBUG,out:DEBUG

To see the rules use

ibrew remote rules


You can block messages either in (from the appliance) or out (from the relay), this can be usefull to disable calibration or other options like wifi and is internally used to speed things up :-)

ibrew rules

ibrew unblock in:ADMIN,out:ADMIN

ibrew block in:DEBUG,out:DEBUG


  • Simulates iKettle 2.0 ibrew coffee simulate
  • Simulates Smarter Coffee machine ibrew kettle simulate

You can use to dump action to see more info what is going on.

Note that message blocking is disabled!

You can add triggers by replacing the host (ip) with the word simulation and start it with the evens system enabled, if you want to try out triggers...

ibrew trigger add Domoticz Temperature "§N" simulation
ibrew events kettle simulate

Web (WIP)

This is a build in progress, please contribute!

Start the web interface

ibrew web

and surf to:


Replacement for the Smarter app

Yeah I know the start and stop icons look terrible... and it is partly functional but you get no visual indicator it worked. Work in progress!


Build in JSON Rest API

For bridging smarthome controllers or use it to integrate your appliance in your own website!



You can setup your appliance without the Smarter app. Default settings, calibration, descaling or wifi setup... it does it all! No internet required. This means you can use and setup the kettle and the smarter coffee even if smarters servers disappears (chance of no smarter servers in 5 years 97%, I seen it before :-/)



It keeps stats for you, and you only! It does NOT send them (or anything else) to Smarter like the Smarter app does and definitly not to me... Keep your appliance usage to yourself, will you!


Protocol description is fully interactive!

Cuz my code... :-)



You can find information on the iBrew JSON REST API in the Web Interface under:


The default port is 2080

Example JSON return


{"status": "ready", "sensors": {"base": "On", "temperature": {"raw": {"fahrenheid": 75, "celsius": 24}, "stable": {"fahrenheid": 75, "celsius": 24}}, "waterlevel": {"raw": 2174, "base": 1110, "stable": 2173}}, "appliance": {"model": "iKettle 2.0", "firmware": {"version": 19, "certified": "iBrew certified firmware"}, "mode": "normal", "network": {"connection": {"directmode": false, "host": "", "connected": true, "port": 2081, "relay": false}, "relay": {"active": false, "bind": "", "port": 2081}}}, "settings": {"default": {"formula": {"use": false, "temperature": {"fahrenheid": 33, "celsius": 1}}, "keepwarm": 5, "temperature": {"fahrenheid": 212, "celsius": 100, "prefered": "celsius"}}}}

JavaScript (WIP)

Work in progress! Help would be nice!

JavaScript for use with iBrew JSON REST API Javascript iBrew interface


Python 2.7 only!

The Python Smarter Interface to the iKettle 2.0 and the Smarter Coffee is located in the Smarter folder. Use pydoc or any other python doc app to see the help on SmarterInterface.py and SmarterProtocol.py. There are a lot of options and functions you can use!

Yes, code could be a lot better, you rewrite it,... I suggest making classes of blocking, triggers and patches. Classes of the protocol arguments and messages. Arrghh. This is just one big prototype hack! For me it was about testing IT stuff, not the appliance. The appliances made testing stuff more fun! I mean, events trigger system, emulation, simulation of a Kettle?! Wiresharking protocols and figure out what it all does. Well for me this is great fun while I am sick.

Basic example

from smarter.SmarterInterface import *
from smarter.SmarterProtocol import *

appliance = SmarterClient()
if appliance.isKettle() and not appliance.heaterOn:

Smarthome controller push

You can pull values and states with the JSON REST api with it also possible to push values and states with the trigger events system. Exmaple adding triggers, where Domoticz is the group (one action per trigger per group) and §N is the new value and §O is the old value. :

ibrew trigger add Domoticz Temperature "§N"
ibrew trigger add Scripts KettleBusy "C:\SCRIPTS\SENSOR.BAT §N"
ibrew trigger add Scripts KettleBusy "/home/pi/iBrew/scripts/sensor.sh §O §N"

To see all triggers ibrew triggers. To see all active triggers ibrew trigger Monitor the trigger event system ibrew dump events or use the web server with auto re-connect :-) ibrew dump events web. It is possible to set switch types to various formats (on/off, 1/0, enabled/disabled,...) ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On See ibrew switches for an overview. Enable disable entire groups ibrew trigger Domoticz off See for group overview ibrew trigger groups If you run the webserver as daemon/service add sudo to all your ibrew commands such that the right config file gets updated! So instead of ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On run sudo ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On




Setting up iBrew for domoticz is very simple!

ibrew domoticz (prefix (name)) [connection]

This command will set up all sensors in domoticz automatically.

Name is the optional hardware name, and prefix is a prefix string to the sensor names. Use as prefix "" to select none if you want to choose a hardware name and no prefix.

Domoticz connection string format



<username:password@> = the username and password to access Domoticz, this is optional.
domoticz-ip = the IP-address or hostname of your Domoticz installation.
<:port> = the port number of your Domoticz installation, this is optional.                           


ibrew domoticz user:password@


ibrew domoticz

Below is the guide to do it manually!


iBrew Forum Thread

Lets set up a kettle temperature sensor and a on base sensor!

For this example the base url of domoticz is

The IP of the kettle is

Lets start!

Go to Setup -> Hardware and create a new dummy hardware called Smarter


Click on Create Virtual Sensors


Create a temperature sensor


Go to Setup -> Devices and look up your new sensor.


Use the idx of the sensor to add a trigger

ibrew trigger add Domoticz Temperature "§N"

Now we also add an off base motion sensor


Go to Switches and look up your new sensor.


Edit it!


Select motion


Look up the idx in Setup -> Devices

Use the idx of the sensor to add a trigger

ibrew trigger add Domoticz OffBase "§N"

We need to set up the right switch state type, domoticz uses the format On or Off

ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On

start any server with the events enables like

ibrew dump events web

If you run the webserver as daemon/service add sudo to all your ibrew commands such that the right config file gets updated!

So instead of ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On run sudo ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On

To see it in action!

For more information on JSON used by domoticz!

Next step is creating and filling in buttons actions using either script:// or iBrew JSON Rest API!...

User Variables

Adding user variables




for numbers

sudo ibrew trigger add DomoticzUser DEFAULTTEMPERATURE " Default Temperature&vtype=0&vvalue=§N"

or for text

sudo ibrew trigger add DomoticzUser KETTLESTATUS " Status&vtype=2&vvalue=§N"

Domoticz Technical Stuff

Domoticz JSON API

Switch based triggers

  • uservariable string ("1",0")
  • virtual sensor switch (set to motion)

Watersensor based triggers

  • virtual sensor custom sensor
  • uservariable integer

Temperature based triggers

  • virtual sensor temperature
  • uservariable integer

Text based triggers

  • virtual sensor text
  • uservariable string

Make sure you change the switch state type for the sensor group of domoticz (Domoticz), you can leave the user variable group (DomoticzUser) as it is!

sudo ibrew trigger Domoticz switch On

HomeKit ~ HomeBridge

Yes, you can! Connect your iKettle or Smarter Coffee to HomeKit... just follow the following steps!

Alternativly you could use https://github.com/nferro/homebridge-http-json


Install the following software to bridge iBrew with HomeKit


Part of config file relevant to iKettle, iKettle 2.0 or Smarter Coffee

Fill in your own device host (either IP address or hostname) and location to iBrew,

  • If you use an IP address: PLEASE use a static IP address! (assign in your router)
  • If you are the lucky owner of a router that assigns dynamic IP addresses with hostnames attached (usually in the form of device.local or device.lan) you can use that. If you are lucky, else use a static IP.
  • If you only have ONE device: you can use autodetection (and leave out the ip or hostname) but it adds a 2 seconds time penalty.

HomeBridge example config iKettle

	"platforms": [{
		"platform": "cmdSwitch2",
		"switches": [{
			"name": "iKettle",
			"on_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew legacy heat",
			"off_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew legacy stop",
			"state_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew legacy status | grep 'Heating'"
            "manufacturer": "iBrew",
            "model": "iBrew iKettle",
            "serial": "44DE1AD79BC",
            "polling": true,
            "interval": 1,

HomeBridge example config iKettle 2.0

	"platforms": [{
		"platform": "cmdSwitch2",
		"switches": [{
			"name": "iKettle 2.0",
			"on_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew start",
			"off_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew stop",
			"state_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew status | grep 'busy'",
            "manufacturer": "iBrew",
            "model": "iBrew iKettle 2.0",
            "serial": "44DE2AD79BC",
            "polling": true,
            "interval": 1

HomeBridge example config Smarter Coffee

	"platforms": [{
		"platform": "cmdSwitch2",
		"switches": [{
			"name": "Smarter Coffee",
			"on_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew start",
			"off_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew stop",
			"state_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew status | grep 'busy'",
            "manufacturer": "iBrew",
            "model": "iBrew Smarter Coffee",
            "serial": "44DE3AD79BC",
            "polling": true,
            "interval": 1

Example HomeBridge config file

If you do not use any other HomeBridge devices, you can use and alter the following example config file for iKettle 2.0 and Smarter Coffee.

	"bridge": {
		"name": "Homebridge",
		"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
		"port": 51826,
		"pin": "031-45-154"

	"description": "Homebridge",

	"platforms": [{
		"platform": "cmdSwitch2",
		"switches": [{
			"name": "iKettle 2.0",
			"on_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew start",
			"off_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew stop",
			"state_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew status | grep 'busy'",
            "manufacturer": "iBrew",
            "model": "iKettle 2.0 Intermezzo",
            "serial": "90DE2AD79BC",
            "polling": true,
            "interval": 1
			"name": "Smarter Coffee",
			"on_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew start",
			"off_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew stop",
			"state_cmd": "/Users/Tristan/Coding/iBrew/ibrew status | grep 'busy'",
            "manufacturer": "iBrew",
            "model": "iBrew Smarter Coffee",
            "serial": "42�DE3AD79BC",
            "polling": true,
            "interval": 1


Home Assistant

iBrew Forum Thread


  - platform: command_line
        command_on: "/home/hass/ibrewcontrol.sh start"
        command_off: "/home/hass/ibrewcontrol.sh stop"
        command_state: "/home/hass/ibrewstatus.sh"
        friendly_name: Kettle


ibrew $COMMAND <your Kettle IP>


CMD='ibrew status <your kettle IP> |grep busy'
if [ -z "$CMD" ];then
        exit 1
        exit 0


iBrew Forum Thread


iBrew Forum Thread

iBrew Mentioned


Have any links, info or help on other Smarthome controller software, please post in the issues!


  • PHASE 1: [BRAINSTORMING] v0.0 Bean Grinder Pack
  • PHASE 2: [PROTOTYPE] v0.1 White Tealeaf Edition
  • PHASE 3: [PROTOCOL] v0.2 Tea Noire Sweet
  • PHASE 4: [CONSOLE] v0.3 Kettle Rattle
  • PHASE 5: [WEB] v0.4 Brewing on the 7th day
  •      [CORE]          v0.4.4 Intermezzo!
  • PHASE 6: [PRERELEASE] v0.5 The conundrum struggle
  • PHASE 7: [FINALCUT] v1.0 Out of order!
  • PHASE 8: [BUGS] v1.1 Ant trail!

Upcoming for the last 3 versions


  • PROTOCOL: History message is not finished
  • PROTOCOL: Modifiers/patches!!!
  • PROCOCOL: Time arguments (have not figured that out)
  • IKETTLE20: Fahrenheid not finished, please to not use.
  • IKETTLE20: Watersensor to something usefull (like the stupid left or right side handle, cuz the kettle weight balance is off, its inaccurate as fuck even in the smarter app :-/)
  • SMARTER COFFEE: Have not looked at single cup... needs a remote coffee machine session ;-)
  • SMARTER COFFEE: Did I accidently switch carafe required bit?
  • SMARTER COFFEE: Cups from the status and cups from the display setting is different
  • SMARTER COFFEE: Timers protocol
  • SMARTER COFFEE: v0.5 Missing Coffee Smarter codes (working bit only?)
  • SMARTER COFFEE: Descaling data bit? (the smarter app has it...)
  • HELP: Add the missing pieces
  • SIMULATOR: Add carafe removal and water filling
  • SIMULATOR: Fix waterlevel and fix cups?


  • PYTHON: Better error handling
  • PYTHON: Make the print stuff more general
  • PYTHON: Strip zero from ip
  • PYTHON: fix wireless with the same name
  • PYTHON: filter out wrong responses... of know commands??? or atleast acknowledge them, (03 responses)
  • PYTHON: Beverages should be able to override keepwarm time... xCLI/REST
  • WEB: Web interface
  • WEB: Auto relay when in web mode
  • WEB: API key, login
  • WEB: Settings iBrew (like blocking, patches, other stuff)
  • WEB: All REST api has no error check...
  • ME: hugs!

License: Public Domain