Discord Chat


A WhatsApp API client that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app

It uses Puppeteer to run a real instance of Whatsapp Web to avoid getting blocked.

NOTE: It is based on the whatsapp-web.js project.

How it works

The process begins by opening a browser and navigating to the WhatsApp website. This task is carried out using a class called Client (the name of this class could be improved). The Client is equipped with various managers (such as Messages, Chats, Contacts, among others), through which interaction with WhatsApp is possible. Additionally, the Client has a set of events that are triggered in response to WhatsApp actions, which are used through the event dispatcher. Internally, the browser to be used is configurable. For example, you can use a lightweight browser like Chromium or simply use Google Chrome. You can also choose to make it visible on screen or run it in the background.


For authentication, the QRReceivedEvent event is triggered, which provides the QR code to be scanned as an argument. I have provided an example to convert it into an image and save it to a file, or to display it as characters in the console.


I have crafted a Bootstrapper class to streamline the registration of essential components required for building the WhatsApp client.


Since it's based on whatsapp.web.js, you can use that as a reference to understand the scope, with the caveat that in this version, it relies on managers and events. Additionally, I've created some manager extensions to streamline certain tasks.

Example usage

Example of how the service can be started

var bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper();
var client = bootstrapper.Start();

Example of a configuration file appsettings.json

  "Whatsapp": {
    "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.67 Safari/537.36",

    "Puppeteer": {
      "ExecutablePath": "C:\\chromium-browser\\chrome.exe",
      "Headless": true
    "WebVersionCache": {
      "ClientId": "1",
      "Type": "local"
    "WebVersion": "2.3000.1012539641"
  "Dummy": {
    "User1": {
      "user": "0195556092222",
      "server": "c.us"
    "User2": {
      "user": "0195554128871",
      "server": "c.us"
using NUnit.Framework;
using Whatsapp.web.net.Domains;

namespace Whatsapp.web.net.test.Managers;

public class MessageManagerTests : TestBase
    public void SendTextTest()
        var expectedContent = "Hello world";

        Message? message = null;

        EventDispatcher!.MessageCreateEvent += (_, args) => message = args.Message;

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedContent).Result;
        Assert.That(message is not null);
        Assert.That(message!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.Type == MessageTypes.TEXT);
        Assert.That(message.Body == expectedContent);

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.TEXT);
        Assert.That(msg.Body == expectedContent);

    public void SendImageFromFilePathTest()
        var expectedMedia = MessageMedia.FromFilePath("image.png");

        Message? message = null;

        EventDispatcher!.MessageCreateEvent += (_, args) => message = args.Message;

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedMedia).Result;
        Assert.That(message is not null);
        Assert.That(message!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.Type == MessageTypes.IMAGE);

        var resultMedia = Client.Message.DownloadMedia(msg.Id, message.HasMedia).Result;
        Assert.That(resultMedia is not null);

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.IMAGE);

    public void SendImageAsDocumentFromFilePathTest()
        var expectedMedia = MessageMedia.FromFilePath("image.png");

        Message? message = null;

        EventDispatcher!.MessageCreateEvent += (_, args) => message = args.Message;

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedMedia, new MessageOptions { SendMediaAsDocument = true }).Result;
        Assert.That(message is not null);
        Assert.That(message!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.Type == MessageTypes.DOCUMENT);

        var resultMedia = Client.Message.DownloadMedia(msg.Id, message.HasMedia).Result;
        Assert.That(resultMedia is not null);

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.DOCUMENT);

    public void SendImageFromUrlTest()
        var expectedMedia = MessageMedia.FromUrl("https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_light_color_272x92dp.png", true).Result;

        Message? message = null;

        EventDispatcher!.MessageCreateEvent += (_, args) => message = args.Message;

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedMedia).Result;
        Assert.That(message is not null);
        Assert.That(message.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.Type == MessageTypes.IMAGE);
        var resultMedia = Client.Message.DownloadMedia(msg.Id, message.HasMedia).Result;
        Assert.That(resultMedia is not null);

    public void SendImageAStickerFromFilePathTest()
        var expectedMedia = MessageMedia.FromFilePath("image.png");

        Message? message = null;

        EventDispatcher!.MessageCreateEvent += (_, args) => message = args.Message;

        var messageOptions = new MessageOptions
            SendMediaAsSticker = true,
            StickerAuthor = "Author Test",
            StickerName = "Robot"
        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedMedia, messageOptions).Result;
        Assert.That(message is not null);
        Assert.That(message!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(message.Type == MessageTypes.STICKER);

        var resultMedia = Client.Message.DownloadMedia(msg.Id, message.HasMedia).Result;
        Assert.That(resultMedia is not null);

    public void SendLocationTest()
        var description = "Sakananjy\nMadagascar";
        var expectedLocation = new Location(-21.537863752674124, 45.40548904077514, description);
        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedLocation).Result;
        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.LOCATION);

        Assert.That(msg.Location is not null);
        Assert.That(msg.Location!.Latitude == expectedLocation.Latitude);
        Assert.That(msg.Location.Longitude == expectedLocation.Longitude);
        Assert.That(msg.Location.Description! == description);

    public void SendVCardTest()

        var expectedVCard = new VCard()
            Version = "3.0",
            FullName = "Johnson Don",
            Names = ["Don", "Johnson"],
            Email = new Email("Johnson@don.com"),
            Telephone = new Phone("3107140202"),
            Revision = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedVCard.ToString()).Result;

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.CONTACT_CARD);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards is not null);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards.Count == 1);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards[0].Version == expectedVCard.Version);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards[0].FullName == expectedVCard.FullName);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards[0].Email.Value == expectedVCard.Email.Value);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards[0].Telephone.Value == expectedVCard.Telephone.Value);

    public void SendVCardTurnOffParsingTest()

        var expectedVCard = new VCard()
            Version = "3.0",
            FullName = "Johnson Don",
            Names = ["Don", "Johnson"],
            Email = new Email("Johnson@don.com"),
            Telephone = new Phone("3107140202"),
            Revision = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, expectedVCard.ToString(), new MessageOptions { ParseVCards = false }).Result;

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.TEXT);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards is null);

    public void SendContactAsContactCardTest()
        var contact = Client!.Contact.Get(ContactId1.Id).Result;

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, contact).Result;

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.CONTACT_CARD);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards is not null);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards.Count == 1);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards[0].Telephone.Value.Replace("+","").Replace(" ","") == ContactId1.User);

    public void SendMultipleContactAsContactCardTest()
        var contact1 = Client!.Contact.Get(ContactId1.Id).Result;
        var contact2 = Client!.Contact.Get(ContactId2.Id).Result;

        var msg = Client!.Message.Send(ContactId1, new[] { contact1, contact2 }).Result;

        Assert.That(msg is not null);
        Assert.That(msg.Type == MessageTypes.CONTACT_CARD_MULTI);
        Assert.That(msg!.To.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.From.Id == ContactId1.Id);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards is not null);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards.Count == 2);
        Assert.That(msg.VCards[0].Telephone.Value.Replace("+", "").Replace(" ", "") == ContactId1.User);



Pull requests are welcome! If you see something you'd like to add, please do. For drastic changes, please open an issue first.

Supporting the project

You can support the maintainer of this project through the links below


This project is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with WhatsApp or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official WhatsApp website can be found at https://whatsapp.com. "WhatsApp" as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Copyright 2024 Tristán Robra

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.