
PIKACHU: Temporal Walk Based Dynamic Graph Embedding for Network Anomaly Detection

Primary LanguagePython


PIKACHU, a sophisticated, unsupervised, temporal walk-based dynamic network embedding technique that can capture both network topology as well as highly granular temporal information. PIKACHU learns the appropriate and meaningful representation by preserving the temporal order of nodes. This is important information to detect Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) as temporal order helps to understand the lateral movement of the attacker.

This is a TensorFlow implementation of the PIKACHU model as described in our paper:

Paudel, R., Huang, H. (2022). PIKACHU: Temporal Walk Based Dynamic Graph Embedding for Network Anomaly Detection, published in NOMS 2022.

Construction of PIKACHU

We borrowed part of code (for short-term embedding) from Nguyen, et.al, continuous-time dynamic network embeddings (CTDNE) [https://github.com/LogicJake/CTDNE]


  • TensorFlow (2.0 or later)
  • python 3.6
  • networkx
  • scikit-learn
  • scipy
  • tqdm

Run from

You can choose to run the model in train mode or in test mode. For test mode, we only do anomlay detection by loading the already stored embeddings generated by PIKACHU from weights/ folder.

python main.py --train False

To train the model:

python main.py --train True


In order to use your own data, you have to provide edge list with timestamp, src_node, dest_node. Have a look at the dataset/lanl or dataset/optc folder for an example.

In this example, we load DARPA OpTC network data. The original datasets can be found here: https://github.com/FiveDirections/OpTC-data. We parsed the network flow object from this dataset and extracted timestamp, source ip and destination ip


Please cite following papers if you use this code in your own work:

  title={PIKACHU: Temporal Walk Based Dynamic Graph Embedding for Network Anomaly Detection.},
  author={Paudel, Ramesh and Huang, Howie},