
A gnome extension to show the next schedule event

Primary LanguagePureScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A gnome-shell extension to display your next schedule. This adds a new widget to the status bar with a countdown until the next event and triggers a notification five minutes before.


This extension is best used with org-mode superior scheduling capabilities, for regular gnome calendar, see https://github.com/chmouel/gnome-next-meeting-applet.


The extension loads a list of events from ~/.local/share/org-gnome-next-schedule/events using the following format: <date_iso_8601> <event title>.

The events list can be generated using org-ql:

(defun tc/mk-next-meeting-query ()
  "The next meeting query."
  '(and (not (done)) (not (habit)) (scheduled :from ,(ts-now))))

;; see: https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql/issues/397
(defun tc/compare-entry (b a)
  "Order entry A and B so that they appears from newest to oldest.
This is like org-ql--date< but considering closed date too."
  (cl-macrolet ((ts (item)
                  `(or (org-element-property :closed ,item)
                       (org-element-property :deadline ,item)
                       (org-element-property :scheduled ,item))))
    (org-ql--org-timestamp-element< (ts a) (ts b))))

(defun tc/sched-format (item)
  (let* ((properties (cadr item))
         (title (plist-get properties :raw-value))
         (scheduled (plist-get properties :scheduled))
         (ts (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (org-timestamp-to-time scheduled))))
    (format "%s %s" ts title)))

(defvar tc/schedule-events ""
  "The last schedule render to update the files when it changes.")

(defun tc/render-schedule-events ()
  (let* ((entries (org-ql-select '("~/org/projects.org")
                    :action 'element-with-markers
                    :sort 'tc/compare-entry
         (formated (mapcar 'tc/sched-format (seq-filter 'not-habits entries)))
         (report (s-join "\n" (reverse formated))))
    (when (not (string= report tc/schedule-events))
      (setq tc/schedule-events report)
      (f-write-text report 'utf-8 "~/.local/share/gnome-org-next-schedule/events"))))

;; Update schedule events when the agenda is displayed
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook 'tc/render-schedule-events)

… which produces such a file:

2024-01-16T10:00:00-0500 Team Daily


Contributions are most welcome.

To modify gnome-org-next-schedule, you will need a PureScript toolchain and the gnome developper tool. Run the nix develop command to setup.

Checkout the purescript-gjs bindings too.



  • Initial release.