This project contains 2 folders :
back-end && front-end
Prerequisites You will need to have Node and npm installed locally on your machine.
Insatllation simple 😊 :
Cloner le dossier backend. Dans ce dossir faites un $ npm install puis $ node server.js. Puis Ouvrez ce lien :
Full Installation 😒 : Clone this repository.
Then, from within the back-end folder, run npm install. You can then run the server with node server.js or nodemon server.js. The server should run on localhost with default port 3000. If the server runs on another port for any reason, this is printed to the console when the server starts, e.g. Listening on port 3001.
Next, from within the front-end folder, open index.html
Author Tristan TIEN-MI-TIEE