
The Oracle of the Hundred Acre Wood on basketball

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The Oracle of Hundred Acre Wood

Copyright (C) 2013 Matthías Páll Gissurarson & Sólrún Halla Einarsdóttir. See LICENSE for details.

Might only work on 64-bit linux

OracleServer.py starts the server on localhost:8080/

test_oracle.py and test_server.py test the system and the server respectively. Note that for test_vef_spa.py to work, the server needs to be connectable to on http://localhost:8080/

It was designed in firefox, and it might be that not all the features work in other browsers, so please try with the latest firefox. Also, the sklearn needs to be version 0.13.1 or later.

Running Oracle.py gives a confusion matrix for the various models

Internal documentation might not be complete, and some might be in Icelandic. I'm only throwing this out there so that others creatign a website in python might use the base.

Uses data from baseketball-reference.com. Might not work after the 2013 NBA season.