
MarkHost is a fork/updated version of thejerf's markdir project

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MarkHost is a fork of thejerf's Markdir project, that he has stoped working on... Link to the thejerf's markdir project.

I've decied to work on inproveing the MarkDir project as a web based documentation system, that in the first few version will have no GUI but able to be interagted with TieDB

You have to build the program yourslef for the time being... but I might be able to change that on a later date.

How to run it? (On a desktop)

After you have build and compiled the program IN VERSION 1.16, you can run the .exe or linux file. and the program sould start up in the background. The website will be hosted on your local host http://localhost:19000.
By default the path that the program looks in is the root directory, so anything outside of that it will not look for. If you wish to change it, look in the main.go and locate 'path' on L19.
I've added an .exe for windows and an application for linux, so you dont have to compile the code!

Running it in docker

I do not have a docker repo yet, but here's the code to run it in docker.

docker run -p 19000:19000 -v /**your-path**:/docs markdir:latest /app/Markdir -path /docs -bind
The bind has to be to set to local host, as linux dose not like