
A simple and lightweight vim plugin for an IDE-like project feature.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple and lightweight vim plugin for an IDE-like project feature.


Using Plug

Plug 'Yohannfra/Vim-Vim-Project'

Manual installation

git clone https://github.com/Yohannfra/Vim-Vim-Project/ ~/.vim/plugin/


  • Super easy/transparent to use and configure
  • Build command
  • Run command
  • Save and restore vim layout
  • I didn't really need more, feel free to open an issue if you want to add something

You can also add any vim custom config that you could want for your project:
In your .vimrc create an array called g:vim_project_custom_variables with the lines that you want to add to the vimproject file, it will be automatically added at its creation.

let g:vim_project_custom_variables= [
\"let my_variable=1"
\"  augroup vimprojectAutocmds",
\"      autocmd!",
\"      autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.c,*.h,*.py,Makefile,*.cpp,*.hpp",
\"          \\ call that_fancy_plugin()", "
\"  augroup END",


Initialize a vim project.

It will create a .vimproject, generate a vimproj.vim in it and open it.


The default vimproj.vim looks like that

" VimProject file

" Project Name:
let g:vim_project_ProjectName = "DefaultName"

" Build command:
let g:vim_project_BuildCommand = ""

" Run command:
let g:vim_project_RunCommand = ""

" Save vim layout:
let g:vim_project_SaveLayout = 1

" Autoload vim layout:
let g:vim_project_AutoRestoreLayout = 1


Execute the g:vim_project_BuildCommand you set in your vimproj.vim.


In my .vimrc i mapped the F4 key for this.

nnoremap <F4> :VimProjectBuild <CR>


Execute the g:vim_project_RunCommand you set in your vimproj.vim.


In my .vimrc i mapped the F5 key for this.

nnoremap <F5> :VimProjectRun<CR>

Save/Restore Layout

Save the current layout. It uses the :mksession feature of vim.
If you want to understand how it works read :h :mksession It will save it in .vimproject/session


By default it will call this command after time you write a buffer.
Use this if you don't want this behavior

let g:vim_project_general_save_on_write = 0

Restore the saved layout if there is one.
This command is called on vim startup if g:vim_project_AutoRestoreLayout is set to 1 and if you don't call vim with command line arguments



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.