<h1>Java 3D Programming, Daniel Selman </h1><br>
Example applications and source code accompanying "Java 3D Programming"
by Daniel Selman, published by <a href="http://www.manning.com/selman">Manning publications</a>.
<h2>Running Examples</h2><br>
If you installed the examples to the <code>c:\dev\selman</code> directory
go to <code>c:\dev\selman\classes</code> and type:
java org.selman.java3d.book.launcher.Launcher
You need to have "java" in your path (the correct one for Java 3D!) 
and copy the files j3dtree.jar and vrml97.jar into your jre/lib/ext directory.
Please refer to the JavaDoc folder for information about each example.

<h2>Known Issues: 05/04/2002</h3>
java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)

AMD Athalon 850, 512 MB RAM
Windows 2000, SP2
nVidia GeForce II Ultra. Drivers:

Java 3D 1.3B2 OpenGL.

Make sure you also copy j3dtree.jar, vrml97.jar into your "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.0\lib\ext"
directory or you will get ClassNotFoundExceptions for the com.tornadolabs.j3dtree classes.

When rendering with lines, line widths don't seem to always get applied.
Inconsistent results.

Only see transparency applied to lines when running with line anti-aliasing
set to true. This appears to change the rendering order of some lines
however. I don't remember if this was always the case...

Point sizes not being applied.

[Note - a solid coloured background is being used.]

Rendering AlphaTest doesn't appear to be applied to Shape3D vertices
with per-vertex transparency, only to those using TransparencyAttributes.

Not seeing texture boundary colors being applied.

Sounds are only being played once?

ObjectFile loader now creates geometry with the BY_REFERENCE flag set and
INTERLEAVED. Breaks one example, as it tries to read geometry  using
getCoordinate( ... ). It would be nice if this was passed into the loader
through the flags.

Helicopter sound only plays once. The rotors on the helicopters are rendered in white.

Text3D rendering problems. Text "setString" is created (with custom depth),
the corners of the 'n' are drawn from far lower-left corner.


<h2>Known Issues: 02/18/2002</h3>
java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)

AMD Athalon 850, 512 MB RAM
Windows 2000, SP2
nVidia GeForce II Ultra. Drivers:

Java 3D 1.3B1 OpenGL.

When rendering with lines, line widths don't seem to always get applied.
Inconsistent results.

Only see transparency applied to lines when running with line anti-aliasing
set to true. This appears to change the rendering order of some lines
however. I don't remember if this was always the case...

Point sizes not being applied.

[Note - a solid coloured background is being used.]

Rendering AlphaTest doesn't appear to be applied to Shape3D's with
Transparency applied - only to vertices with per-vertex transparency.

Running example testing some custom behaviors. See this on the console:
"==> DEBUG1: Should never come here!"

ObjectFile loader now creates geometry with the BY_REFERENCE flag set and
INTERLEAVED. Breaks one example, as it tries to read geometry  using
getCoordinate( ... ). It would be nice if this was passed into the loader
through the flags.

Reading rasters is broken:
        at javax.media.j3d.Renderer.doWork(Renderer.java:248)
        at javax.media.j3d.J3dThread.run(J3dThread.java:256)

<b>AvatarTest, SplineInterpolatorTest</b><br>
Running example with Sound:
See "null: Sound source data could not be loaded" printed to console, but
sounds seem to work.
Clipping seems to have changed, either get far more sounds or very short
clipped sounds.

Text3D rendering problems. Text "setString" is created (with custom depth),
the corners of the 'n' are drawn from far lower-left corner.
