
Team Freedom Dive↓'s Project for Web Information Technology (COMP30005)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

INFO30005-Freedom Dive


  • Name: Hello Food
  • Type: Web based application
  • Category: Educational website
  • Proposed purpose: A website that helps kids in Australia to raise their awareness of the benefits of fresh food.
  • Members: Kevin, Miley, Yat, Rohyl

Functionality Description

NOTE: 3 student logins + the teacher login can be easily accessed using the dev panel here

Homepage, Login and Sign-up

  • The homepage allows users to understand the purpose and goals of our educational website. The Login and Sign-up pages allow both teachers and students to have access to the dashboard.
  • Relevant URLs
  • Routes
    • routes/api/student
    • routes/api/teacher
  • Controllers
    • controllers/studentController
    • controllers/teacherController
  • Models
    • Student.js
    • Teacher.js



  • Our primary goal is to increase the amount of knowledge students have on the basics of health and fitness. To achieve this, we have integrated an education system into our platform. Through Articles, Videos and Quizzes, the students are exposed to a variety of media and assessed on how much they have learned. The education system is the most important functionality, the following functionalities serve to supplement this system.
  • Relevant URLs
  • Routes
    • routes/api/quiz
    • routes/api/videos
    • routes/api/articles
  • Controllers
    • controllers/articleController
    • controllers/quizController
    • controllers/videoController
  • Models
    • Article.js
    • Quiz.js
    • Video.js
    • Topic.js

Star system

  • One of the core features of our system architecture is the ability for students to be rewarded for their effort. This establishes a positive feedback loop so that the students are incentivised to complete topics. For example, teachers can reward the top 3 students with the most stars at the end of the week with a present.
  • Relevant URLs
  • Routes
    • routes/api/student (get info)
    • routes/api/teacher (get leaderboard and display)
  • Controllers
    • controllers/studentController
    • controllers/teacherController
  • Models
    • Student.js
    • Teacher.js

Community System

  • The community sub-system enables teachers and students to engage in a collaborative peer-learning space where students can request clarification on topics and share their own research. This system facilitates further discussion in health and fitness, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the topics taught.
  • Relevant URLs
  • Routes
    • routes/api/thread
  • Controllers
    • controllers/threadController
  • Models
    • Thread.js

Teacher Management

  • Teachers are able to observe students' learning progress. They can also modify threads and reset students' progress.
  • Relevant URLs
  • Routes
    • routes/api/thread (Delete thread)
    • routes/api/teacher
  • Controllers
    • controllers/teacherController
    • controllers/threadController
  • Models
    • Thread.js
    • Teacher.js