
Database for Magnet simulations

Primary LanguagePython

Magnet Database

Tools for creating and manipulating a database designed for Magnet simulations. Data may be partly retreived from Lncmi control and monitoringwebsite. See python_magnetrun for more details


Viewing the database: sqlitebrowser

Note that you shall not perform any operations while viewing the database with sqlitebrowser

To generate a diagram:

java -jar schemaspy-6.1.0.jar -debug -t sqlite -o tutut -sso -cat magnets -s magnets -db magnets.db


Running the app to create the database

python3 -m python_magnetdb.app --createdb

To populate the database with an exemple msite

python3 -m python_magnetdb.app --createsite

To see more

python3 -m python_magnetdb.app --help


Running the FastAPI Application:

uvicorn python_magnetdb.main:app [--host] --reload

use --host option to make the server available for other machines in the same vlan as the host running the container.

To view the API interface

firefox http://localhost:8000/docs


  • sqlmodel
  • fastapi
  • uvicorn
  • sqlitebrowser
python -m pip install sqlmodel
python -m pip install fastapi "uvicorn[standard]"
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin


(sqlmodel)[https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com/tutorial] (fastapi)[https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/] (panel)[https://panel.holoviz.org/getting_started/index.html]


  • add machine selection htm with: ** create file for jobmanager if any

  • bokeh add several plots on the same panel (see panel_bmap)

  • in panel how to show/hide param

  • in bokeh panel how to create a button with a href to localhost

  • mrecords: add statistics, fits, smoothers, outliers...

  • In simulations: ** create forms for cfg/json ** fix update cfg/json files ** how to create/setup cfg/json for workflows like fixcurrent.py (see github/hifimagnet.cases/cfpdes)

  • In parts/magnets/sites: ** more info in desc for magnets index.html (see routes/magnets.py), ** more info in desc for site index.html (see routes/sites.py), ** add view/create CAD geoms (connection with pythonocc-core)

  • In mrecords: ** list add headers for table ** add duration, plateaux, max B in desc field ** show.html: add button for HeatBalance, Flow + fit ** add selections *** add view dataset for selections ** panel mrecord: ** add filter for smooth data ** add outliers like in panel tutorials