
Successor of PBTL.

Will be written in itself in the end, but for now I'll write it in JS because it's faster than Python but about as easy. It will build upon C and be completely compatible. (So you can use this compiler to compile C files, but no use really since this compiler will only compile to C first and then use the C compiler to compile to executable code)


node jtl <file> <options>


  • -h or --help: Show this.
  • -l <language> or --lang <language>: Specify explicitly the <language> for the following input file (rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the file name suffix).
  • -o <file> or --output <file>: Place output in file <file>. If not specified the compiler copies the name of the input and changes the extension.
  • -c: Only compile to C, not to executable code.
  • -v or --version: Display the version number.
  • --nogc: Disable the GC (= Garbage Collector).

Note: Currently option -c is default because I have not yet found a way to compile directly to machine code or somehow include the C compiler in this compiler.


Since this programming language fully supports programs written in C there's no changes, only additions and alternatives. For example some of these include:

  • Alt. to pointer (*): >. Example: >pointerVar
  • Storing variable in other places than RAM: $() or $. Example: $('path/to/dir')diskVar or $diskVar. Omitting the paranthesis will result in the compiler choosing where in the disk to store the variable for you.

Other features

  • Garbage Collection, can be disabled by passing arg. --nogc to compiler. It will still work if you've manually collected most garbage, and can collect the ones you missed, but might increase the compilation time.
  • Channels & something similar to Go's goroutines.