A Chrome extension that helps you maintain healthy habits while working at your computer by providing customizable reminders for:
- 👀 Blink Breaks - Remember to rest your eyes by looking away from the screen
- 💧 Water Breaks - Stay hydrated with regular water reminders
- 🚶 Movement Breaks - Get up and walk around periodically
- 🧘 Stretch Breaks - Take time to stretch and avoid muscle tension
- ⏲️ One-time Timer - Set custom countdown timers for focused work sessions
- Customizable intervals for each type of break (0-60 minutes)
- Enable/disable individual reminders as needed
- One-time countdown timer with visual feedback (1-120 minutes)
- Optional notification sounds
- Simple and clean interface
- Runs in the background while you work
- Click the extension icon to open the settings popup
- Toggle on the reminders you want to receive
- Adjust the interval sliders to set your preferred timing
- The extension will send desktop notifications at your specified intervals
- Each notification includes a helpful prompt for the specific break type
- Use the one-time timer for custom countdown sessions
- Download from the Chrome Web Store (coming soon)
- Or install manually:
- Clone this repository
- Open Chrome and go to
- Enable "Developer mode"
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the extension directory
- Report issues on GitHub
- Support development by buying me a beer
Created by Troy
- V1.1 2024-11-25 - Added one-time countdown timer feature
- V1.0 2024-11-03 - Initial release. Supports Blink, Water, Movement, and Stretch reminders.