
A CLI tool for making and/ or binding TCP connections. Inspired by Netcat & written in Golang!

Primary LanguageGo


A CLI tool for making and/ or binding TCP connections. Inspired by Netcat & written in Golang!


NetPuppy will be able to:

  • listen for & serve incoming TCP connections as well as initiate outgoing ones
  • maintain a stable connections b/w both parties
  • send and receive data from either endpoint
  • initiate a 'helper shell' on the client peer


NetPuppy has two primary modes: offense & connect-back.


The 'offensive' peer is executed as a server and listens to the address and a specified port. It will bind incoming TCP connections to that port.


The 'connect-back' peer starts w/ a client-like relationship to the offense peer. I.e. it will connect to the address and port you give it. Additionally, if you give the --shell flag, it will start a bash process on the local machine. This shell will take input from the offensive peer (via the socket) and execute the input as commands on the machine its running on. The output from the shell will then be echoed back to the offensive peer.


  • -H the host IP address you want to connect to (in connect-back mode)
  • -p the port you want to start your peer on (both mode types)
  • -l tell NetPuppy to listen, this will start NP in the offense mode. You can also give a port number.
  • --shell tell NetPuppy to start a bash shell on the client peer which will take socket input as stdin and output stdout/stderr back into the socket.


Offense Peer:

$ go run main.go -l -p 44444

... <banner>          

    *sneef sneef*
  / (_          |Host:
 ( "  6\___o    |RPort: 44444
 /  (  ___/     |LPort: 44444
/     /  U      |Mode:  Offensive Server

Connect-Back Peer:

$ go run main.go -H 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -p 44444


     __  /     |Host:  0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
(___()'';      |RPort: 44444
/ )   /'       |LPort: 60804
/\'--/\        |Mode:  Client

This project is still being built & improved!


Just fork and create a pull request w/ a description of your changes. I (TrshPuppy) will review it! :)


This project was originally written in Python. If you'd like to fork the Python branch (which isn't being updated), you can check it out here!