
Mining Relevant Fix Patterns for Automated Program Repair

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

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Code of FixMiner

Reference: FixMiner: Mining Relevant Fix Patterns for Automated Program Repair (Empirical Software Engineering, doi:10.1007/s10664-019-09780-z)

Citing FixMiner

You can cite FixMiner using the following bibtex:

  title={Fixminer: Mining relevant fix patterns for automated program repair},
  author={Koyuncu, Anil and Liu, Kui and Bissyand{\'e}, Tegawend{\'e} F and Kim, Dongsun and Klein, Jacques and Monperrus, Martin and Le Traon, Yves},
  journal={Empirical Software Engineering},


I. Introduction

Fixminer is a systematic and automated approach to mine relevant and actionable fix patterns for automated program repair. The workflow of this technique.\label{workflow}

** This version of the Fixminer has some changes compared to the one published in the paper.

- The iteration that was computing the shapes separetely is removed. Now the operation of the shape trees are performed together with the action trees. As a result of this change no shape clusters are generated separately anymore. The initial output of the pattern mining iteration is action trees (a.k.a patterns ) 

II. Environment setup

  • OS: macOS Mojave (10.14.3)

  • JDK8: (important!)

  • To mine from c code, srcml 1.0.0

  • Download and configure Anaconda

  • Create an python environment using the environment file

    conda env create -f environment.yml
  • After creating the environment, activate it. It is containing necessary dependencies for redis, and python.

    source activate fixminerEnv
  • Update the config.yml file with the corresponding paths in your computer. An example config.yml file could be found under


IV. Step-by-Step execution

Before running

  • Update config file with corresponding user paths.

  • Install the project with maven from root. (usage pom.xml)

    mvn clean install
  • Active the conda environment from shell

    source activate fixminerEnv

In order to launch FixMiner, execute fixminer.sh

bash fixminer.sh [CONFIG_FILE] [JOB]
 e.g. bash fixminer.sh  /Users/projects/release/fixminer_source/src/main/resources/config.yml dataset4c

A log file (app.log) is created after every execution of the fixminer.sh. Please check this log file in order to access more information.

Job Types

FixMiner needs to follow an execution, in the order listed below in order to create clusters of patches.

  1. dataset4j / dataset4c: Create a java/c mining dataset from the projects listed in subjects.csv or datasets.csv for c

  2. richedit: Calls the jar file produced as the results as maven package to compute Rich edit scripts. This step can be invoke natively from java or using the Launcher with appropriate arguments.

    java -jar FixPatternMiner-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar  /Users/projects/release/fixminer_source/src/main/resources/config.yml RICHEDITSCRIPT
  3. actionSI: Search index creation for actions. The output of this step is written to pairs folder which will be generated under datapath in config file

  4. compare : Calls the jar file produced as the results as maven package to compare the trees. This step can be invoke natively from java or using the Launcher with appropriate arguments.

    java -jar FixPatternMiner-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar  /Users/projects/release/fixminer_source/src/main/resources/config.yml COMPARE
  5. cluster : Forms clusters of identical trees. The output of this step is written to actions folder which will be generated under datapath in config file

  6. tokenSI : Search index creation for tokens. The output of this step is written to pairsToken folder which will be generated under datapath in config file

  7. compare : Calls the jar file produced as the results as maven package to compare the trees. This step can be invoke natively from java or using the Launcher with appropriate arguments.

    java -jar FixPatternMiner-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar  /Users/projects/release/fixminer_source/src/main/resources/config.yml COMPARE
  8. stats: Calculate frequency statistics of the patterns under statsactions.csv in datapath. The information is also written in app.log file.

  9. patterns : Export FixPatterns of APR integration under patterns folder located in datapath/

Structure of the cluster folders
  |--- actions                    : Action clusters
  |------ReturnStatement          : AST Node type
  |---------4                     : The size of the rich edit script
  |------------0                  : 0th Action cluster of ReturnStatement of rich edit size 4
  |--------------- filename       : 0th member of the cluster

  |--- tokens                     : Token clusters
  |------ReturnStatement          : AST Node type
  |---------4                     : The size of the rich edit script
  |------------0                  : 0th Action cluster of ReturnStatement of rich edit size 4
  |---------------0               : 0th Token cluster of ReturnStatement of rich edit size 4 of 0th action cluster
  |----------------- filename       : 0th member of the cluster

Data Viewer

The intermediate data provided computed during the steps are listed in directory datapath (see config file)

The data is stored in different formats. (e.g. pickle, redis db, csv, etc..)

Redis Commands

Connect to redis instance

    redis-cli -p 6399

We use 3 databases inside the redis, 0,1,2,3. DB 0 stores the richedit dumps, comparison indices DB 1 stores the filenames and their indices (used in comparison and stored in DB2, DB3) DB 2 stores the output of comparison action trees. DB 3 stores the output of comparison token trees.

In order to switch between these database use the following command

    select 2

In order to trace the status of the stored rich edit scripts, use the following command

    hlen dump

In order to access the rich edit of a single hunk, first locate the key from DB 0. This command returns the exact name of the keys


keys *fuse_67b14b_04e5b1_fabric#fabric-client#src#main#java#org#fusesource#fabric#jolokia#facade#facades#ProfileFacade.java.txt_1

1) "MethodDeclaration/40/fuse_67b14b_04e5b1_fabric#fabric-client#src#main#java#org#fusesource#fabric#jolokia#facade#facades#ProfileFacade.java.txt_1"

Then, use the exact key in order to access the rich edit:


hget dump MethodDeclaration/40/fuse_67b14b_04e5b1_fabric#fabric-client#src#main#java#org#fusesource#fabric#jolokia#facade#facades#ProfileFacade.java.txt_1

"INS MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @TO@ TypeDeclaration@@[public]ProfileFacade, [Profile, HasId] @AT@ 7279 @LENGTH@ 309\n---INS Modifier@@public @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7279 @LENGTH@ 6\n---INS PrimitiveType@@void @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7286 @LENGTH@ 4\n---INS SimpleName@@MethodName:setConfiguration @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7291 @LENGTH@ 16\n---INS SingleVariableDeclaration@@String pid @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7308 @LENGTH@ 10\n------INS SimpleType@@String @TO@ SingleVariableDeclaration@@String pid @AT@ 7308 @LENGTH@ 6\n------INS SimpleName@@pid @TO@ SingleVariableDeclaration@@String pid @AT@ 7315 @LENGTH@ 3\n---INS SingleVariableDeclaration@@Map<String,String> configuration @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7320 @LENGTH@ 33\n------INS ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @TO@ SingleVariableDeclaration@@Map<String,String> configuration @AT@ 7320 @LENGTH@ 19\n---------INS SimpleType@@Map @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @AT@ 7320 @LENGTH@ 3\n---------INS SimpleType@@String @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @AT@ 7324 @LENGTH@ 6\n---------INS SimpleType@@String @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @AT@ 7332 @LENGTH@ 6\n------INS SimpleName@@configuration @TO@ SingleVariableDeclaration@@Map<String,String> configuration @AT@ 7340 @LENGTH@ 13\n---INS VariableDeclarationStatement@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> configurations=getConfigurations(); @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7365 @LENGTH@ 70\n------INS ParameterizedType@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> @TO@ VariableDeclarationStatement@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> configurations=getConfigurations(); @AT@ 7365 @LENGTH@ 32\n---------INS SimpleType@@Map @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> @AT@ 7365 @LENGTH@ 3\n---------INS SimpleType@@String @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> @AT@ 7369 @LENGTH@ 6\n---------INS ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> @AT@ 7377 @LENGTH@ 19\n------------INS SimpleType@@Map @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @AT@ 7377 @LENGTH@ 3\n------------INS SimpleType@@String @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @AT@ 7381 @LENGTH@ 6\n------------INS SimpleType@@String @TO@ ParameterizedType@@Map<String,String> @AT@ 7389 @LENGTH@ 6\n------INS VariableDeclarationFragment@@configurations=getConfigurations() @TO@ VariableDeclarationStatement@@Map<String,Map<String,String>> configurations=getConfigurations(); @AT@ 7398 @LENGTH@ 36\n---------INS SimpleName@@configurations @TO@ VariableDeclarationFragment@@configurations=getConfigurations() @AT@ 7398 @LENGTH@ 14\n---------INS MethodInvocation@@MethodName:getConfigurations:[] @TO@ VariableDeclarationFragment@@configurations=getConfigurations() @AT@ 7415 @LENGTH@ 19\n---INS IfStatement@@if (configurations != null) {  configurations.put(pid,configuration);  setConfigurations(configurations);} @TO@ MethodDeclaration@@public, void, MethodName:setConfiguration, String pid, Map<String,String> configuration,  @AT@ 7444 @LENGTH@ 138\n------INS InfixExpression@@configurations != null @TO@ IfStatement@@if (configurations != null) {  configurations.put(pid,configuration);  setConfigurations(configurations);} @AT@ 7448 @LENGTH@ 22\n---------INS SimpleName@@configurations @TO@ InfixExpression@@configurations != null @AT@ 7448 @LENGTH@ 14\n---------INS Operator@@!= @TO@ InfixExpression@@configurations != null @AT@ 7462 @LENGTH@ 2\n---------INS NullLiteral@@null @TO@ InfixExpression@@configurations != null @AT@ 7466 @LENGTH@ 4\n------INS Block@@ThenBody:{  configurations.put(pid,configuration);  setConfigurations(configurations);} @TO@ IfStatement@@if (configurations != null) {  configurations.put(pid,configuration);  setConfigurations(configurations);} @AT@ 7472 @LENGTH@ 110\n---------INS ExpressionStatement@@MethodInvocation:configurations.put(pid,configuration) @TO@ Block@@ThenBody:{  configurations.put(pid,configuration);  setConfigurations(configurations);} @AT@ 7486 @LENGTH@ 39\n------------INS MethodInvocation@@configurations.put(pid,configuration) @TO@ ExpressionStatement@@MethodInvocation:configurations.put(pid,configuration) @AT@ 7486 @LENGTH@ 38\n---------------INS SimpleName@@Name:configurations @TO@ MethodInvocation@@configurations.put(pid,configuration) @AT@ 7486 @LENGTH@ 14\n---------------INS SimpleName@@MethodName:put:[pid, configuration] @TO@ MethodInvocation@@configurations.put(pid,configuration) @AT@ 7501 @LENGTH@ 23\n------------------INS SimpleName@@pid @TO@ SimpleName@@MethodName:put:[pid, configuration] @AT@ 7505 @LENGTH@ 3\n------------------INS SimpleName@@configuration @TO@ SimpleName@@MethodName:put:[pid, configuration] @AT@ 7510 @LENGTH@ 13\n---------INS ExpressionStatement@@MethodInvocation:setConfigurations(configurations) @TO@ Block@@ThenBody:{  configurations.put(pid,configuration);  setConfigurations(configurations);} @AT@ 7538 @LENGTH@ 34\n------------INS MethodInvocation@@setConfigurations(configurations) @TO@ ExpressionStatement@@MethodInvocation:setConfigurations(configurations) @AT@ 7538 @LENGTH@ 33\n---------------INS SimpleName@@MethodName:setConfigurations:[configurations] @TO@ MethodInvocation@@setConfigurations(configurations) @AT@ 7538 @LENGTH@ 33\n------------------INS SimpleName@@configurations @TO@ SimpleName@@MethodName:setConfigurations:[configurations] @AT@ 7556 @LENGTH@ 14\n"  

Or use the following command to access specialized trees:


hgetall MethodDeclaration/40/fuse_67b14b_04e5b1_fabric#fabric-client#src#main#java#org#fusesource#fabric#jolokia#facade#facades#ProfileFacade.java.txt_1

1) "tokens"
2) "public  void  MethodName:setConfiguration  String  pid  Map  String  String  configuration  Map  String  Map  String  String  configurations  MethodName:getConfigurations:[]  configurations  !=  null  Name:configurations  pid  configuration  configurations "
3) "targetTree"
4) "[(55@@[(31@@)][(31@@)][(31@@)][(31@@[(44@@)][(44@@)])][(31@@[(44@@[(74@@)][(74@@)][(74@@)])][(44@@)])][(31@@[(60@@[(74@@)][(74@@)][(74@@[(74@@)][(74@@)][(74@@)])])][(60@@[(59@@)][(59@@)])])][(31@@[(25@@[(27@@)][(27@@)][(27@@)])][(25@@[(8@@[(21@@[(32@@)][(32@@[(42@@)][(42@@)])])])][(8@@[(21@@[(32@@[(42@@)])])])])])])]"
5) "actionTree"
6) "[(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)][(100@@)][(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)])][(100@@[(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)][(100@@)])][(100@@)])][(100@@[(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)][(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)][(100@@)])])][(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)])])][(100@@[(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)][(100@@)])][(100@@[(100@@[(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@[(100@@)][(100@@)])])])][(100@@[(100@@[(100@@[(100@@)])])])])])])]"
7) "shapeTree"
8) "[(31@@[(83@@)][(39@@)][(42@@)][(44@@[(43@@)][(42@@)])][(44@@[(74@@[(43@@)][(43@@)][(43@@)])][(42@@)])][(60@@[(74@@[(43@@)][(43@@)][(74@@[(43@@)][(43@@)][(43@@)])])][(59@@[(42@@)][(32@@)])])][(25@@[(27@@[(42@@)][(-1@@)][(33@@)])][(8@@[(21@@[(32@@[(42@@)][(42@@[(42@@)][(42@@)])])])][(21@@[(32@@[(42@@[(42@@)])])])])])])]"

After executing the actionSI / tokenSI steps, the rich edit scripts to be compared are stored in a key in DB 0. Use the following command to verify number of comparison to be made. The trees that are labelled to be same are stored in DB2 for action trees and,in DB3 for token trees.

This command can also be used in order to progress the compare step. When the comparison is completed the following command will return 0.

scard compare

The see content of the .pickle file the following script could be used.

 import pickle as p
 import gzip
 def load_zipped_pickle(filename):
    with gzip.open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        loaded_object = p.load(f)
        return loaded_object


result = load_zipped_pickle('code/LANGbugReportsComplete.pickle')
# Result is pandas object which can be exported to several formats
# Details on how to export is listed in offical library documentation
# https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.html