
Simplified rhythm editor for PS activity

Primary LanguageJavaScript

· Beatz-roll

Beatz-roll is a simple rhythm editor created for our learning activity's "Proble-Solving" part, in the context of the CS-411 Digital Education course. Give it a go over the live website here.


Our editor allows users to easily compose rythms and let them visualize their traditional notation equivalent. By easily selecting symbols (both various notes and rests) and placing them on the staff, they are able to see how different time signatures affect the splitting of the symbols they've used to write their rhythm patterns.

We additionally offer a song selector that allows them to experiment with their beat making and/or rythm recognition skills by imitating what they hear.



Technicalities and acknowledgments

Music sheet rendering, both visuals and audio is done via abcJS, music symbols were designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik