
A React component that presents a simple TreeTable, allowing the user to supply styling and rendering options. A default styling (using Bootstrap 4) is also available.


Run the following command: npm install bootstrap-react-treetable --save or yarn add bootstrap-react-treetable --save


Firstly, import the component as follows:

import BootstrapTreeTable from 'bootstrap-react-treetable';

Then include it in your components as follows:

<BootstrapTreeTable tableData={this.props.tableData} columns={columns} control={control}/>

See our Demo page to see the component in action.

BootstrapTreeTable expects data in the following format:

        data: {
            name: "name0",
            dataType: "string0",
            example: "ex0",
            description: "desc0"
        children: [
                data: {
                    name: "name0-0",
                    dataType: "string0-0",
                    example: "ex0-0",
                    description: "desc0-0"
                children: []
            }, {
                data: {
                    name: "name0-1",
                    dataType: "string0-1",
                    example: "ex0-1",
                    description: "desc0-1"
                children: []
            }, {
                data: {
                    name: "name0-2",
                    dataType: "string0-2",
                    example: "ex0-2",
                    description: "desc0-2"
                children: [
                        data: {
                            name: "name0-2-1",
                            dataType: "string0-2-1",
                            example: "ex0-2-1",
                            description: "desc0-2-1"
                        children: []
        data: {
            name: "name1",
            dataType: "string1",
            example: "ex1",
            description: "desc1 &euro; &euro;"
        children: []
        data: {
            name: "name2",
            dataType: "string2",
            example: "ex2",
            description: "desc2 &euro; &euro; &euro; &euro;"
        children: []

Configuration options

Obviously, the tableData prop is required. There is one other required prop:

columns is an array of objects, describing the columns to be rendered. The options within a column object are:

Attribute Name Type Description Example Required
dataField String the field that holds the data to be displayed name Yes
heading String the column header to be used - if not supplied, the dataField is used instead. Name No
fixedWidth Boolean Should the column be defined with a fixed width? - default is false false No
percentageWidth Number The percentage width this column will be allocated, should fixedWidth be true 25 No
styleClass String A CSS class to be applied to the TD element for this field whatever No
renderer function A function to be applied to the data - see further detail below whatever No
sortable Boolean Is this field sortable? Default is yes false No
sortUsingRenderer Boolean When sorting, sort using the output of the renderer false No
sortOrder String Indicates that the table should be sorted by this field in this order - values are 'asc' or 'desc' asc No
sortType String Indicates the data type this field should be sorted as - options are string, date or number string No
sortDateFormat String The format of the date to be sorted (assuming sortType is date). This uses date-fns, so the formats are specified here. Note that these are different to the formats used by Moment.js, so this is a breaking change. string No
filterable Boolean Should this column be included when filtering the data? - default is false true No

Further control of how the table is displayed can be provided using the control prop.

Attribute Name Type Description Example Required
visibleRows Number Number of levels to display automatically - default is 1 2 No
showExpandCollapseButton Boolean Should the Expand All/Collapse All button be displayed? - default is false false No
allowSorting Boolean Enable or disable sorting on this table - default is false false No
allowFiltering Boolean Enable or disable filtering on this table - default is false false No
filterInputPlaceholderText String Text to display as the placeholder in the filter input box Filter... No
showPagination Boolean Paginate the table, and provide a set of links at the bottom for navigation - default is false false No
initialRowsPerPage Number Number of rows to display when paginated 10 No

Should you wish to have multiple header rows, you can supply a topRows prop. These rows are rendered above the main header row for the table. This prop is an array of arrays of objects.

Attribute Name Type Description Example Required
heading String The text to display in the header cell Whatever No
colspan Number The number of columns this header should span - default is 1 1 No
rowspan Number The number of rows this header should span - default is 1 1 No
alignment String The text alignment of this header cell - one of left, center or right center No
verticalAlignment String The text alignment of this header cell - one of baseline, top, middle, bottom, text-top or text-bottom - see Bootstrap docs for details center No

The colspan values should add up to the number of columns in the regular table, or odd things will happen with your display.

NOTE: this plugin doesn't do any checking on the colspan and rowspan numbers you put in - it's up to you to ensure you've got the values correct. Also, you cannot span columns or rows on the main table headers (the one which is used for sorting).

Rendering option

A function can be provided on a per-column basis to control the display of the data from that column.

This function should accept 2 parameters:

  1. dataRow - the entire row of data being operated on
  2. dataField - the name of the field within that row to be displayed

Thus the actual data for the column will be provided as[dataField]

The function should return a simple type (string, number etc) or HTML - see the example below:

let descriptionRenderer = function (dataRow, dataField) {
    return <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:[dataField]}}></span>


The component is styled using Bootstrap 4 classes. Bootstrap 4 is a peer dependency, so it needs to be provided by the project using this one.


The table can be sorted by default, simply set the sortOrder attribute of the relevant column.

Clicking the header of any column will sort by that column, in ascending order. Clicking again will sort in descending order. Appropriate icons are used to indicate the sort order.

You can prevent sorting of a specific column by simply setting the sortable attribute of the relevant column to false.

Use as a simple DataTable

To use this component as a simple datatable (i.e. no expandable capabilities), simply provide a tableData prop with no children attributes.

Release History

Release Description Release date
2.0.2 Added Multiple header rows 04-Mar-2021
2.0.0 React lifestyle methods removed, Moment.js removed, bugfixes applied 21-Jan-2021
1.0.2 Audit fixes 01-Oct-2019
1.0.1 26-Jun-2019
1.0.0 First release 22-Feb-2019
1.0.0-rc.1 First release candidate of 1.0.0 22-Feb-2019


Use yalc instead of "npm link".