
EngoEngine has a city builder tutorial. It is incomplete and hasn't been updated in over a year. Trying to finish the incomplete(and most difficult) parts.

Primary LanguageGo


EngoEngine has a city builder tutorial. It is incomplete and hasn't been updated since Feb 2021. Trying to finish the incomplete(and most difficult) parts.

Beginning can be found here https://github.com/EngoEngine/TrafficManager/tree/01-hello-world

I have changed multiple parts for better code re-usability. I have added an updated UI, new money system, created roads to be built between cities, new message systems, changed mouse functions, and more.

Current work:

I most recently added a path seeking system for roads built. Roads connecting multiple towns will upgrade to cities, to metros, ect.


Currently every road built not at the front of a current path creates new paths. For example Image the following grid(R = road, C = city, NR = new road):

_, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

1, r, r, --, --, --, --

2, --, r, nr, --, --,--

3, r, r, --, --, --, --

4, --, r, --, --, --, --

before the new road at Row:3, Col: 2 there are two paths:

[1][1] -> [1][2] -> [2][2] -> [3][2] -> [4][2] &&

[1][1] -> [1][2] -> [2][2] -> [3][2] -> [3][1]

After the new road at [3][2], there is obviously a new path from [1][1] -> -> -> [2][3]. 
But is there a path from: 

[3][1] -> -> -> [2][3]? 

What about:   

[4][2] -> -> -> [2][3]? 

All of these paths must be considered if a new city later appears adjacent to one of these roads.

The Solution: All paths must begin at a city.

To solve this I am changing it so roads can only be built adjacent to a city, or adjacent to an already present path. This will significantly reduce the number of paths that must be considered.

Future work:

Next I will be adding audio, traffic management, and traffic visuals. 

How to use:

To run game, clone the repository, and in terminal run:

$go mod tidy

$go mod run .

This image shows a path between two cities. A path connecting to a city will receive a teal highlight. A path that breaks off from that original path will have a red/orange outline. Roads can be built by clicking adjacent to a city or road while you have >= $50. Will later add different colors for incomplete paths, wider paths, ect.
