AFCL, but better!!

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


The new and improved version of "FTW Scripts"

This liberary adds a host of scripts used in my personal, and other users H3 Mods.

AutoBolt -- Used to create the PTRD rifle
AutoBoltHandle -- Used for the handle of the PTRD because I did not understand Mono-mod at the time
bandgerSwitchInterp -- An attempt to make the switch on bangers interpolate for some reason, not used, unsure if it works
betterOverheat -- A more advanced and open version of the overheat script which lets the user do alot more with their energy guns
BreakableArmour -- Allows colliders to change their pmat, allowing for armour to "break" over time
ShatterableArmour -- Allows a collections of colliders to act as one piece, breaking all when the damage threshold is reached
ShatterableArmourPiece -- A component used on the individual colliders.
EnableOnSpecificUser -- Reaches out to Steam servers to either enable or disable an object when a specific user is playing
EnergySword -- Code used for the energy sword weapon, unreleased
FireSubprojAtDistance -- Fires a projectile when a parent projectile travels a certain distance
FireSubprojAtTime -- Fires a projectile when a parent projectile exists for an amount of time CURRENTLY NOT WORKING
ForeGripMagRelease -- The code that allows the foregrip of the Vector to perform the funcitons it does. Thanks to CityRobo for making this all work
MultiEnableLaserPointer -- Allows two objects to turn on whith the base game laser code. used in IR lasers
NightVisionPostEffect -- Written by devyndamonster, used for Nightvision
PostEffectScript --Written by devyndamonster, Used for Nightvision
PrefabLoaderReadme -- a dumb readme i made to demonstrate usage of the new prefab loader in the template project
proxGrenade -- A proximity Grenade used for the Grzmot mine. Absolute spagetii code.
proxGrenadeRing -- used for above, didnt know hookgen
StickyObjct -- All commented out, does nothing, when did i make this?
thermiteFire -- Creates the fire effect used in my thermite grenade
ToggleBetweenPoints -- toggels an object while between two points