
Improved Implementation of "Can Forward Gradient Match Backpropagation?" (ICML, 2023)

Primary LanguagePython


[ICML23] Can Forward Gradient Match Backpropagation?


Code base: https://github.com/streethagore/ForwardLocalGradient.

Two algorithms are implemented with Pytorch.

  • LocalFG-W: Forward gradient with weight perturbation, guided with local guess.
  • LocalFG-A: Forward gradient with activity perturbation, guided with local guess.

FG-W and FG-A are proposed in [1], while local guess guidance is proposed in [2].

[1] Mengye Ren, Simon Kornblith, Renjie Liao, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Scaling Forward Gradient With Local Losses." In ICLR, 2023.

[2] Louis Fournier , Stéphane Rivaud, Eugene Belilovsky, Michael Eickenberg, and Edouard Oyallon. "Can Forward Gradient Match Backpropagation?" In ICML, 2023.

Reproduce the results

Run the commands with

python -u main.py --arch resnet18-16b --n_epoch 100 --lr 5e-2 --wd 5e-4 --algo LocalFG-W --status
python -u main.py --arch resnet18-16b --n_epoch 100 --lr 5e-2 --wd 5e-4 --algo LocalFG-A --status

will give the following test accuracies on CIFAR10 dataset.

Algorithm LocalFG-W LocalFG-A
Train Accuracy 97.9 % 98.2 %
Test Accuracy 88.8 % 89.4 %

In our experiments, activity perturbation has better performance than weight pertubation, as also observed in [1].