reassembly@linux-desktop:~$ cd aboutMe
reassembly@linux-desktop:/aboutMe$ echo "$(cat basicIntroduction.txt)"
About me Hai! I'm (Re)Assembly, a 17 year old developer from Ye Ol' Land o' Wales! I like coding, hanging out with people and gaming!
reassembly@linux-desktop:/aboutMe$ echo "$(cat currentProjects.txt)"
My Current Projects Right now I primarily code in Java and mainly use the spigot API to code Minecraft servers. I am know Kotlin, because I love Kotlin!
reassembly@linux-desktop:/aboutMe$ echo "$(cat links.txt)"
My Socials
You all probably saw this coming
- My Twitter
- My Discord: @Reassembly
- My Github: Right here!
reassembly@linux-desktop:/aboutMe$ sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root