This DDEV add-on provides a Keycloak service for DDEV.
Keycloak is an Open Source Identity Provider and Access Management software.
It provides ...
- Single-Sign On
- Identity Brokering and Social Login
- User Federation
- Support for OpenID, SAML and oAuth2
If you want to integrate an Identity Provider in your project using OpenID, SAML or oAuth2 this addon makes it easy to have this provider installed locally for testing.
In general, you do not have to deal with remote servers that might give you a hard time to connect to from your local ddev instance. These servers are mostly buried behind firewalls and other security mechanism.
ddev get b13/ddev-keycloak && ddev restart
Admin - master realm
User: admin
Password: password
Test - ddev realm
User: test
Password: test
The configuration is managed using JSON files in .ddev/keycloak/import
Add the JSON files to git, so it can be shared between users.
Import realms and users:
ddev kcctl import
Export realms and users to .ddev/keycloak/import
ddev kcctl export <realm, optional>
The 'master' (default) realm will not be exported as it contains the admin user which should not be modified at all.
Delete realms and user ('master' will be recreated):
ddev kcctl delete
ddev kc --help
includes a basic example for the login theme called ddev
Maintained by @b13