
Depth Fusion

Primary LanguagePython

Implicit Surface Reconstruction from RGB-D images


Given a set of RGB-D images capturing a scene, our goal is to reconstruct the 3D model of this scene. Conventional methods estimate a pointcloud following these steps:

  • First, for each image, these methods eliminate the pixels with low confidence values (the confidence map is estimated from a multi-view stereo method). This step is optional.
  • Next, they convert the highly confident image pixels to 3D points using depth information and camera matrices.
  • Finally, these methods perform a geometric consistency checking step to filter noisy 3D points. More specifically, we assume that each image has a set of $N$ neighboring images (given in a pair.txt file). An 3D point is kept if its reprojection errors are smaller than an $\epsilon$ value in $N_c/N$ neighbors.

If you want to understand more about the process above, this paper is a good start.

The given code implements these steps. You can try to run and see the results.

python concistency_fusion.py --dataset_dir <path to your data folder> --conf_thr <confidence threshold> --nview_thr <number of consistent neighbors> --disp_thr <reprojection error>

# For example,
python consistency_fusion.py --dataset_dir data/Family --conf_thr 0.8 --nview_thr 5 --disp_thr 0.8


The input data is organized as follows:

        00000000_cam.txt  # camera matrices (intrinsic, extrinsic)
        00000001_cam.txt  # for each view 
        00000000.pfm   # depth maps, shape is (H, W)
        00000000.pfm   # confidence maps: shape is (H, W, 3)

You can download the data here. This dataset is originally from Tanks&Temples benchmark.

Your tasks

You'll try to produce a neural surface reconstruction of the provided RGB-D dataset using available methods. You can chooese one of the following:

  • Neural RGB-D Surface Reconstruction (paper, code)
  • GO-Surf: Neural Feature Grid Optimization for Fast, High-Fidelity RGB-D Surface Reconstruction (paper, code)

I want to see how neural reconstruction