** Bake N Flake is an online gifting platform, providing with a comprehensive range of lovely cakes in lip-smacking flavors, exotic flowers in lovely arrangements and so many type of gifts.**
✨project Contributors:-
1.Truptimayee panigrahy(Team Lead)
2. Yash Gupta
3.Sachin Chavan
4.Darshan Bhandwalkar
5.Madhura Tatte
💻Unique Project Name & logo :- Bake N Flake
For Frontend : HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, ES6.
For Backend :Nodejs ,MongoDB ,Express,Redis .
HomePage , Carousal , Navbar, Footer
Product Gallery
Cart Page
Sign Up , Login
Payment Page
Admin dashboard
![App Screenshot]( ) ![App Screenshot]( ) ![App Screenshot]( )
![App Screenshot](![Screenshot (93)]( ) )
![App Screenshot]( ) ![App Screenshot](![Screenshot (103)]( ) ) ![App Screenshot](![Screenshot (104)](![Screenshot (126)]( ) ) ) ![App Screenshot](![Screenshot (105)]( ) )
⭐Deployed Link:-https://64be11be846f6e253439558f--chimerical-bublanina-5d3b6c.netlify.app/
cyclick link:-https://busy-cummerbund-crow.cyclic.app
Api Documentation:-https://handsome-nightshirt-cow.cyclic.app/documentation/