Microservices Udemy Course repository (2023 version)

The updated 2024 version is available here

This is the repository for the Microservices 'Carsties' app created for the Udemy course released in July 2023.

You can see how this app was made by checking out the Udemy course for this here (with discount)

You can run this app locally on your computer by following these instructions:

  1. Using your terminal or command prompt clone the repo onto your machine in a user folder
git clone https://github.com/TryCatchLearn/Carsties.git
  1. Change into the Carsties directory
cd Carsties
  1. Ensure you have Docker Desktop installed on your machine. If not download and install from Docker and review their installation instructions for your Operating system here.
  2. Build the services locally on your computer by running (NOTE: this may take several minutes to complete):
docker compose build
  1. Once this completes you can use the following to run the services:
docker compose up -d
  1. To see the app working you will need to provide it with an SSL certificate. To do this please install 'mkcert' onto your computer which you can get from here. Once you have this you will need to install the local Certificate Authority by using:
mkcert -install
  1. You will then need to create the certificate and key file on your computer to replace the certificates that I used. You will need to change into the 'devcerts' directory and then run the following command:
cd devcerts
mkcert -key-file carsties.com.key -cert-file carsties.com.crt app.carsties.com api.carsties.com id.carsties.com
  1. You will also need to create an entry in your host file so you can reach the app by its domain name. Please use this guide if you do not know how to do this. Create the following entry: id.carsties.com app.carsties.com api.carsties.com
  1. You should now be able to browse to the app on https://app.carsties.com