
Stargen simplified and wrapped in Python.

Primary LanguagePython


Stargen simplified and wrapped in Python.

Example Use:

sun_config = SunConfig(0.43, 0.31)  # inputs are in solar masses, solar luminosity
system = System(rng_seed=24, sun_config=sun, do_gases=True, do_moons=True)
for planet in system.planets:

Planet attributes:

Attributes are subject to change until project matures.

Property Detail
next Next planet
moons Generator returning moons of this planet.
planet_no Index of this planet in system (solar or planetary)
a Semi-major-axis
e Orbital eccentricity
axial_tilt Axial tilt in units of degrees
mass Mass in kg
solar_masses Mass in solar masses
gas_giant True if the planet is a gas giant
dust_mass Mass, ignoring gas (kg)
gas_mass Mass, ignoring dust (kg)
moon_a Semi-major axis of lunar orbit (in AU)
moon_e Eccentricity of lunar orbit """
core_radius Radius of the rocky core (in m)
radius Equatorial radius (in m)
orbit_zone Gets the 'zone' of the planet. May be 1, 2, or 3.
density Density (in kg/m^3)
orb_period Length of the local year (seconds) """
day Length of the local day (seconds)
resonant_period True if in resonant rotation
esc_velocity Units of m/sec """
surf_accel Units of m/sec2
surf_grav Units of Earth gravities
rms_velocity Units of m/sec
molec_weight Smallest molecular weight retained
surf_pressure Units of pascals (p)
greenhouse_effect Runaway greenhouse effect? (bool)
boil_point The boiling point of water (Kelvin)
albedo Albedo of the planet
exospheric_temp Units of degrees Kelvin
estimated_terr_temp For terrestrial moons and similar
surf_temp Surface temperature in Kelvin
greenhs_rise Temperature rise due to greenhouse
high_temp Day-time temperature
low_temp Night-time temperature
max_temp Summer/Day
min_temp Winter/Night
hydrosphere Fraction of surface covered
cloud_cover Fraction of surface covered
ice_cover Fraction of surface covered
sun Returns a new view instance of the planet's sun
gases Count of gases in the atmosphere
planet_type Planet type as str (eg: 'Terrestrial')