
:basketball: A lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, responsive sites. Version 8 has just been released!

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable and performant, responsive sites

devDependency Status Build status Dependency Status XO code style bitHound Overall Score

Developed and maintained by Ashley Nolan & Zander Martineau


Feature Description
#webperf Performance-first, responsive philosophy
🚍 Rock-solid build tasks We use gulp & webpack to deliver the best task runner & developer experience for your project
👓 Unopinionated & extendable A few common UI elements, a grid & some other base styles. The rest is up to you.
🔮 Future proof Build complex layouts with flexbox & use ES2015 (ES6) for your javascript.
😠 Lean & mean CSS: 8.68 kB gzipped
JS: 2 kB gzipped
It is a boilerplate after all 😉


Command Description
npm start Basic dev server using Browsersync
npm run watch Watch all files for changes
npm run deploy Install all dependencies and compile all assets for production deployment
npm run compile:all Compile the CSS & JS, compress the images and run any other compilation tasks needed to run your app
npm run compile:release Add the --release flag to any other task, e.g. gulp javascript --release or gulp css --release
npm run compile:css Sass (Libsass via node-sass), Postcss with Autoprefixer, CSSNano, Source Maps & more..
npm run compile:js Babel, Webpack
npm run compile:svg Auto-generated SVG sprites
npm run compress:images Image compression with imagemin
npm run lint:js Lint JS using xo
npm run fix:js Fix JS linting issues using xo
npm run lint:css Lint CSS using stylelint. We use the https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-standard rules for our linting
npm test Run javascript and css tests
npm run clean:all Clean the compiled files
npm run copy:all Run the copy tasks - useful for things like webfonts etc
npm run release-patch Creates a patch release using release-it
npm run release-minor Creates a minor release using release-it
npm run release-major Creates a major release using release-it
npm run release-premajor Creates a premajor release using release-it

📝 Demos and documentation

Kickoff's demo and documentation site is hosted at trykickoff.com.

Yeoman generator

Our Yeoman Generator is the best way to get Kickoff each time you want to start a new project, visit trykickoff.com/docs/yeoman.html for more info.

🐛 Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.

Browser compatibility

Kickoff has been tested in the following browsers:

Chrome (latest) Firefox (latest) Safari (latest) Edge (latest) Opera (latest)
Chrome Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge Opera

We also support older versions of Internet Explorer but the support is limited. For example, the Kickoff grid relies on flexbox so Modernizr is needed to detect for it and then we can provide a fallback.

Maintainers and contributors

Zander Martineau Ashley Nolan Nic Bell
Zander Ashley Nic
Twitter Twitter Twitter
Github Github Github
Site Site Site


If you're using Kickoff we'd love to hear about it; please e-mail us at trykickoff@gmail.com

Keep track of development and community news by following @TryKickoff on Twitter.


Please read our contribution guidelines before contributing to Kickoff.


For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, Kickoff is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Sometimes we screw up, but we'll adhere to those rules whenever possible.

Sponsored by

TMW Unlimited...

Kickoff was created by Ash and Zander while working at TMW. TMW continue to provide sponsorship for the development of the project as well as trykickoff.com domain renewals, stickers etc.