
Documentation for how to use Weave


Weave, A Universal Minecraft Mod Loader

  • Note: Weave is it's own Mod Loader, forge/fabric mods are not compatabile and must be ported.

Weave Supports:

Stable (v0.2.6):

Supported ClientsSupported Versions
Client Supported
Version Supported

Beta Branch with Weave Manager Tauri:

Supported ClientsSupported Versions
Client Supported
Version Supported
  • Weave Manager Tauri is currently in beta, but set to supercede the buggy and unusable Weave Manager Electron.

Mod information

Installation Methods for Weave Loader

  • Lunar Client Qt (USE THIS, 2.0 no longer works!)
    1. Download the latest release of Weave Loader and add it as an agent https://github.com/Weave-MC/Weave-Loader/releases
    2. Create the folder .weave and inside mods in your user profile path
      • Windows: Windows+R, type %userprofile%, create the directories there
      • Unix: mkdir -p ~/.weave/mods
    3. In this folder add your mods
    4. Launch!
  • Lunar Launcher Inject (CURRENTLY BROKEN!!!!)
    1. Download the latest release from https://github.com/Nilsen84/lunar-launcher-inject/releases for your operating system.
    2. Make a new directory anywhere, and put the file you downloaded inside
    3. Download the latest Weave Loader https://github.com/Weave-MC/Weave-Loader/releases and put it in the same folder.
    4. Open Lunar's launcher normally, then disable exit to dock and close it, ensure it's not running in the background, if it is you'll want to kill it.
      • Windows: Open Lunar Launcher Inject
        1. Launch!
      • Unix: Set your current directory to the directory with Lunar Launcher Inject, then run chmod +x nameoflliexecutable (Please note, Mac users will have to rename the executable in order to remove all dots otherwise it will not work.)
        1. ./nameoflliexecutable
        2. Launch!
  • Command Line Interface (Windows)
    1. Download Process Hacker https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/
    2. Run Lunar
    3. Right click the process and go to properties
    4. Copy the launch command (general -> command line) and save it in notepad as a .bat.
    5. In the .bat, just after Java is defined add -javaagent:"path/to/agent.jar" https://github.com/Weave-MC/Weave-Loader/releases
    6. At the very end, on a new line, write pause.
    7. Make a new first line, add cd %userprofile%/.lunarclient/offline/multiver
    8. Save the file
    9. Open the file, and you've launched lunar with weave!
  • Weave Diagnose
    1. Create the folder .weave and inside mods in your user profile path
    • Windows: Windows+R, type %userprofile%, create the directories there
    • Unix: mkdir -p ~/.weave/mods
    1. Download Weave Diagnose from https://gitlab.com/candicey-weave/weave-diagnose/-/releases
    2. Double click Weave Diagnose jar and add your mods to the .weave/mods folder, hit run Weave when ready and that's it.
  • Command Line Interface (Linux)
    1. Run Lunar
    2. Open your terminal and run ps aux | grep lunar.jar
    3. Copy the command and add it to a .sh script, and add cd ~/.lunarclient/offline/multiver to the first line before the actual launch command.
    4. In the .sh, just after Java is defined add -javaagent:"path/to/agent.jar" https://github.com/Weave-MC/Weave-Loader/releases
    5. Create the folder .weave and inside mods in your user profile path, to do this run: mkdir -p ~/.weave/mods
    6. Add your mods to the folder and then run the .sh script.

Installion Method for Weave Manager

  • Weave Manager Electron
    1. Note: Weave Manager Electron is very buggy and I don't recommend it as it usually fails to relaunch and uses excess amounts of resources. You should use Weave Loader instead.
    2. Install the corresponding version for your operating system from https://github.com/exejar/Weave-Manager/releases
    3. Add your mods to:
      • Unix: ~/.weave/mods, create it if it does not exist.
      • Windows: Press Windows + R, then in the run dialogue type %userprofile, look for .weave, if it doesn't exist create it and inside make a folder called mods, the full path is %userprofile%/.weave/mods
    4. Run it and launch lunar then hit relaunch with Weave.
    5. Enjoy, if it works.
  • Weave Manager Tauri (Windows) (BETA)
    1. Download it:
    1. Building it:
    • https://github.com/Weave-MC/Weave-Manager Download the source code.
    • Download NodeJS
    • Download RustUp
    • Download VCC Build tools (12GB+)
    • Open CMD and change your current directory to the folder containing index.html and whatnot, to do this run cd PATH, PATH being the path to the folder.
    • Run npm i, and then npm run tauri build
    • Grab some water and develop patience.
    • Once your build is finished, you may get an error about keys, ignore it.
    • Navigate to src-tauri\target\release and Weave Manager.exe is it!
    • I have found Weave Manager Tauri to be very reliable and easy to use, minus the build tax.
    1. Usage:
    • Add your mods to %userprofile%/.weave/mods
    • Launch Lunar
    • Hit relaunch
    • Inquire Candice about using the beta branch if you wish to use it. The best place to do this would be in the help channel. I personally have not tried the beta branch.