Server tools for 7 days to die dedicated servers
Go to the releases tab and check for the latest files
Download and extract the files.
Copy the Mods folder to the root directory of your server.
Start the server.
The mod will auto create a new folder named ServerTools. Inside this folde is the ServerToolsConfig.xml that control most of program.
Enable each part of the mod you want via ServerToolsConfig.xml
Once a module is enabled, if it has an xml for further options, it will auto create them in the ServerTools folder.
# Current-Tools
Anti Cheat
Automatically detects and deals with cheaters. Customizable
Detects: flight, invalid items, invalid stack sizes, god mode, spectator mode,
accessive player stats such as height, speed, jump strength, max stamina, max health
Crendentials can be checked for internal IP address, family share accounts, invalid steam id.
Logs all player's inventory to a file for later review. Set the time between loggings. Default is once per minute.
Records player's IP address, region and location to the inventory log.
Records identical items and stacks found in a players inventory. These are not necessarily duped but this gives a record.
Logs of violators are auto created and cleaned up based on your settings.
Prevent accessive damage by setting the maximum allowance for damage to other players, blocks and mobs.
All Tools
Descriptions and further help for each of these tools are found in HowToSetup.txt
Admin_Chat_Commands, Admin_List, Animal_Tracking, Auction, Auto_Backup, Auto_Save_World, Bad_Word_Filter, Bank,
Block_Logger, Bloodmoon, Bloodmoon_Warrior, Bounties, Break_Reminder, Chat_Color_Prefix, Chat_Command_Log,
Chat_Command_Response, Chat_Flood_Protection, Chat_Logger, Clan_Manager, Console_Command_Log, Country_Ban,
Credentials, Custom_Commands, Damage_Detector, Day7, Died, Discord_Bot, Dupe_Log, Entity_Cleanup, Exit_Command,
Falling_Blocks_Remover, First_Claim_Block, Flying_Detector, FPS, Friend_Teleport, Gimme, Godmode_Detector, Hardcore,
High_Ping_Kicker, Homes, Hordes, Info_Ticker, Invalid_Items, Invalid_Item_Stack, Jail, Kick_Vote, Kill_Notice,
Lobby. Location, Login_Notice, Log Clean Up, Lottery, Market, Message_Color, Motd, Mute, Mute_Vote, New_Player,
New_Spawn_Tele, Night_Alert, Normal_Player_Color_Prefix, Player_List, Player_Logs, Player_Stats, POI_Protection,
Poll, Prayer, Private_Message, Protected_Spaces, PvE_Violations, Real_World_Time, Report, Reserved_Slots,
Restart_Vote, Scout_Player, Shop, Shutdown, Sleeper_Respawn, Spectator_Detector, Starting_Items, Stuck, Suicide,
Tracking, Travel, Vehicle_Teleport, Voting, Wallet, Watchlist, Waypoints, Weather_Vote, Web_API, Web_Panel,
World_Radius, Zones