
A Pocketmine plugin to control your worlds.

Primary LanguagePHP


Take command of your worlds!

  • Control pvp, spawnprotection, etc. on a per-world basis.
  • Define regions for more control on where things are allowed.

##Flags WorldCommander works like the Bukkit plugin WorldGuard: You control things in worlds/regions by setting flags. Flags can be set using /wc flag set <world/region> <flag> <arguments>

####Flag Commands:

  • /wc flag help - get this help.
  • /wc flag list - list all flags.
  • /wc flag info <area/flag> - get info for a flag/world/region.
  • /wc flag set <area> <flag> <arguments> - set the flag in an area.
  • /wc flag unset <area> <flag> - unsets the flag in an area.

<area> is the name of any world or region. You can also use @world and @region in-game to use your location.

####Available flags:

  • pvp <true/false>
    • Sets whether or not players can pvp in an area.
    • Defaults to the value in server.properties.
  • gamemode <survival/creative>
    • Sets the gamemode of a world.
    • Defaults to the value in server.properties.
  • spawnprotection <radius>
    • Sets the radius of spawnprotection in a world.
    • Defaults to the value in server.properties.
    • If the value in server.properties is larger, it will override this flag.
  • time <time/equation>
    • Sets the time.
    • Can be set to "sunrise", "morning", "day", "noon", "afternoon", "evening", "sunset", "night", "midnight", "realtime", "auto", or "now".
    • You can also use an equation. (For ex. "auto*2" would be double normal time).
    • Is unset by default.
    • Can't be bypassed and will override normal /time commands.
  • build <true/false> <exceptions>
    • Sets whether or not people can build in a region.
    • Can set a list of exceptions.
    • Is unset by default.

##Regions Regions allow you to set flags for a small area instead of a whole world. Not all flags work in regions (For ex. time can only be used for a world). Region flags override world flags, and regions with a higher priority override regions with a lower priority.

Defining a region:

  • Use /region pos1 and /region pos2 to select a cuboid for your region (Like worldedit).
  • Then use /region create <name> <priority> to create a region from your selection.


  • /wc - Main WorldCommander command.
  • /wc flags - Manage flags.
  • /wc regions - Manage regions.


  • /wc flags => /wcf
  • /wc regions => /wcr or /regions


  • tschrock.worldcommander.all - Allows the user to use all WorldCommander commands.

  • tschrock.worldcommander.flags - Allows the user to change and bypass all flags in all areas.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.flags.edit - Allows the user to change all flags in all areas.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.flags.bypass - Allows the user to bypass all flags in all areas.

  • tschrock.worldcommander.regions - Allows the user to manage regions.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.regions.create - Allows the user to create regions.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.regions.delete - Allows the user to delete regions.

  • tschrock.worldcommander.flag.<Flag Name>.edit - Allow a person to change a flag in all areas.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.flag.<Flag Name>.bypass - Allow a person to bypass a flag in all areas.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.area.<Area Name>.edit - Allow a person to change all flags in an area.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.area.<Area Name>.bypass - Allow a person to bypass all flags in an area.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.areaflag.<Area Name>.<Flag Name>.edit - Allow a person to change a flag in an area.
  • tschrock.worldcommander.areaflag.<Area Name>.<Flag Name>.bypass - Allow a person to bypass a flag in an area.

##API/Custom Flags Plugins can provide custom flags to WorldCommander:

  1. Create a class that extends tschrock\worldcommander\flag\Flag.
  2. In your plugin's onEnable():
    • Get a reference to WorldCommander:
      • $this->wCommander = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("WorldCommander");
    • Create a new instance of your flag:
      • $this->yourCustomFlag = new CustomFlag($this->wCommander, $this);
    • Register your flag with WorldCommander:
      • $this->wCommander->registerFlag($this->yourCustomFlag);
  3. In your plugin's onDisable():
    • Unregister your flag from WorldCommander:
      • $this->wCommander->unregisterFlag($this->yourCustomFlag);

Custom flags should provide their own functionality (registering event handlers, etc). A good example is tschrock\worldcommander\flag\PvPFlag.

Common functions:

  • $this->wCommander->getFlagHelper()->canEditFlag($player, $areaOrPosition, $flag);
    • Gets whether or not a player can edit a flag.
  • $this->wCommander->getFlagHelper()->canBypassFlag($player, $areaOrPosition, $flag);
    • Gets whether or not a player can bypass a flag.
  • $this->wCommander->getFlagHelper()->getFlagValue($areaOrPosition, $flag);
    • Gets the value of a flag for an area.
  • $this->wCommander->getFlagHelper()->setFlagValue($area, $flag, $value);
    • Sets the value of a flag for an area.
  • $this->wCommander->getDataProvider()->getRegion($position);
    • Gets a list of regions that $position is in, ordered by priority.