
Code for paper 'Safe-FinRL: A Low Bias and Variance Deep Reinforcment Learning Implementation For High-Freq Stock Trading'

Primary LanguagePython


This is the open source implementation of a few important multi-step deep RL algorithms discussed in the ICML 2021 paper. We implement these algorithms by Pytorch and mainly in combination with TD3 and SAC, which are currently popular actor-critic algorithms for continuous control. Moreover, we apply the multi-step deep RL algorithms to the Financial Environment inspired by FinRL.

This code implements a few multi-step algorithms to reduce bias and variance, including


Code structure

Running the code

Please first specify the path of data in trace_main.py:

train_trade_path = '..'
val_trade_path = '..'
train_feature_path = '..'
val_feature_path = '..'

For a length of look back window as 10 (l=10), to run Retrace-SAC, with n-step buffer with n=60, run the following

python trace_main.py --trace_type='retrace' --lambda_=0.8 --nsteps=60 --look_back=10

To run Peng's Q(lambda) with the same setting we have

python trace_main.py --trace_type='qlambda' --lambda_=0.8 --nsteps=60 --look_back=10

To run Tree-backup, we have

python trace_main.py --trace_type='treebackup' --nsteps=60 --look_back=10

To run uncorrected n-step, we have

python trace_main.py --trace_type='qlambda' --lambda_=1.0 --nsteps=60 --look_back=10

To run pure Importance Sampling, we have

python trace_main.py --trace_type='IS' --lambda_=1.0 --nsteps=60 --look_back=10

To run 1-step SAC we have

python trace_main.py --nsteps=1 --look_back=10

To run 1-step TD3 we have

python trace_main.py --policy_type='Deterministic' --nsteps=1 --look_back=10

Some commonly used variables

python trace_main.py --policy_type [str:"Gaussian", "Deterministic"] \
                     --trace_type  [str:"retrace","qlambda", "treebackup","IS"] \
                     --model_type  [str:"transformer","lstm","fc"] \
                     --look_back   [int:1-50] \
                     --cuda        [bool:True or False] \
                     --nsteps      [int:1-120] \
                     --lambda_     [float:0-1] \
                     --lr_actor    [float:] \
                     --lr_critic   [float:] \
                     --lr_alpha    [float:] \
                     --episodes    [int:1-1000] \
                     --reps        [int:5-10]

Finally, we suggest using tensorboard to visualize the loss during training by

tensorboard --logdir=./runs