
RestCountries Integration is a http client to consume data from Rest Countries API.

Primary LanguageC#


RestCountries Integration is a http client to consume data from Rest Countries API.

Target platform: .NET Core 5+


Task<IEnumerable<Country>> GetAllAsync();
Task<Country> GetByNameAsync(string name);
Task<Country> GetByCodeAsync(string code);

Setup guide

Install the package https://www.nuget.org/packages/RestCountries.Integration/ using nuget

Update your middleware

services.AddHttpClient<IRestCountriesService, RestCountriesService>();

Inject where needed

		private readonly IRestCountriesService countriesService;
        public HomeController(IRestCountriesService countriesService)
            this.countriesService = countriesService;


  • None


  • 03 May 2022 - v1.0.0 Only parses limited number of fields