
This repository is to host template for calculating ROI on Artificial Intelligence projects

AI Value Realization Framework

Srivatsan Srinivasan

This repository contains supporting artifact for my LinkedIn article on Identifying and Prioritizing Artificial Intelligence use cases. This LinkedIn article is 2 part series and can be read at

Part 1 - Identifying and Prioritizing AI Use Cases - Background

Part 2 - Calculating Return on Investment of AI projects

Who is this "AI Value Realization Framework" for?

  • CxO or AI Champion within organization who want to size the opportunity of AI use case for budgeting and understand expected business benefit over time

  • AI consulting and service organization that are in business of accelerating AI journey for their customer and looking at way to come up with high level pricing to size AI opportunity

  • AI product startup or boutique AI firms using this to calculate ROI over time horizon to position their product or services

Primary purpose of this framework is to come up with ROI of AI use cases during the start of project for Budgeting and approvals

You can find more details on this framework in project wiki page link below

AI Value Realization Framework Wiki

In case if you have any suggestions, questions or you find a Bug in the template, Please use issues tab in this GitHub repository to raise one

Keep watching this repository as I enhance the template to factor in new dimensions into the calculation