
Repository Overview

Welcome to my CMPG323 Project Overview repository! I'll guide you through understanding the structure, workflow, and best practices for managing projects within this repository. I'll outline the requirements, features, and functionalities that ensure effective collaboration, version control, and security throughout our development process.

1. Repository Purpose

I've designed this repository to host multiple projects, with each project having its own dedicated repository. These repositories help us manage and organize the development of distinct features, enhancements, and bug fixes. By separating our projects into individual repositories, we maintain clear boundaries, facilitate focused development, and streamline our collaboration.

2. Project and Repository Integration

You'll find a diagram illustrating how I integrate projects and repositories within our development environment. This diagram gives you a visual of how changes flow from local development environments to project-specific repositories and eventually integrate into our main codebase.

3. Branching Strategy

Within each project repository, I follow a well-defined branching strategy to ensure organized and efficient development. My branching strategy consists of the following branches:

  • Main: The main branch houses our production-ready codebase. It contains stable and thoroughly tested features.
  • Develop: Ongoing development and integration of new features occur in the develop branch. It serves as a staging area for upcoming changes.
  • Feature Branches: Each new feature gets its own dedicated branch, created from the develop branch. These branches allow us to work on features independently without disrupting the main codebase or ongoing development.

4. .gitignore File Usage

I include a .gitignore file in each project repository. This file specifies which files and directories to exclude from version control. It helps avoid cluttering the repository with unnecessary files and sensitive data.

5. Handling Credentials and Sensitive Information

To maintain security and protect sensitive information, I follow these practices:

  • Environment Variables: Sensitive info like API keys, database credentials, and authentication tokens are stored as environment variables instead of being hardcoded into the code.
  • Secret Management: I manage secrets using a secure and reputable secret management solution, ensuring encryption and limited access to authorized personnel.
  • .gitignore: My .gitignore file is set up to exclude any files containing sensitive info, preventing accidental exposure in the repository.

By sticking to these practices, my goal is to uphold a secure and efficient development environment while encouraging collaboration and innovation across our projects.