EcoPower Logistics ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application ReadMe

Hello, I'm Tshimniluni Theophillus Nedambale, and I'll be guiding you through the details of the EcoPower Logistics ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application project. You can access the live website for this project here.


In today's tech landscape, the ability to read and understand existing code is as crucial as writing new code. In this project, you'll be working with an existing ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application, tasked with enhancing and improving it. The project involves understanding architectural patterns and implementing coding principles and design patterns aligned with project requirements.


Before diving into this project, please ensure you've taken the following steps:

  • Access to NWU Azure Tenant: You should have access to the NWU Azure tenant by logging into the Azure Portal using your MS Fed account:

  • Resource Group: Create a resource group to logically group your work, following the appropriate naming convention.

  • Software Installed: Make sure you have Visual Studio 2022 Community edition and .NET Core 6 installed.

  • Source Code: Use the code base provided from eFundi (Projects > Project 3 Resources).


Functional Requirements

Functional requirements define the system's functionality and how these functions should be performed.

GitHub Administration

  • Create and Configure GitHub Repository: Create a repository named 'CMPG 323 Project 3 - 33574359.

  • Create File: Develop a file describing your project and how stakeholders should use the report you've created.

Project Progress

  • Source Control Commit: Ensure that the solution is committed and pushed to source control throughout the project.

  • GitHub Project Updates: Continuously update the GitHub project to demonstrate how progress was made.

Project Setup

  • Access the Existing Project: Fork the existing GitHub repository.

  • Create a New Development Branch: Establish a new development branch.

  • Connect the Web App to the Data Source: Add the connection string to your hosted database in the appsettings.json file.

Design Pattern Implementation

  • Create Repository Classes: Develop repository classes for Orders, Customers, and Products data access operations.

  • Transfer Data Access Operations: Move data access operations from the Devices, Zones, and Categories controllers to the respective repository classes.

  • Implement Repository Classes: Utilize the repository classes in the Orders controller for data access operations.

Project Close-out

  • Security: Ensure that no credentials are stored on GitHub.

  • Web API Cloud Hosting: Create an App Service (connected to an F1 tier - free service plan).

  • Publish to Azure: Publish your App to Azure and ensure it's secure and accessible.

Portfolio of Evidence

Remember that it's crucial to keep the Overview Repository Readme file updated throughout the semester. You'll be evaluated based on the content of this Readme file as part of your Portfolio of Evidence (POE).

Feel free to refer to the live website to better understand the project as you work on it. Good luck, and happy coding!

If you have any questions or encounter issues, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance.