CMPG323_Project5_3374359-EcoPower Logistics Power BI Report

Welcome to the GitHub repository for my CMPG 323 Project 5, where I've meticulously crafted a comprehensive Power BI report for EcoPower Logistics. This project's core mission is to establish an efficient logistics management system, empowering stakeholders to effortlessly monitor orders, products, and customers while gaining actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Report Link: EcoPower Logistics Power BI Report

Project Overview

The driving force behind this project is the creation of a Power BI report that adeptly navigates the intricate landscape of acquiring, storing, and globally transporting resources and goods. In this endeavor, our logistics management system elegantly processes orders and leverages a secure warehouse for data storage. The data is artfully visualized through reports and dashboards, catering to diverse stakeholders with varying levels of access. This report is the beacon for monitoring orders and tracking product sales.


Before embarking on this project, meticulous attention was given to the following prerequisites:

  1. Power BI Desktop Installation: I ensured that Power BI Desktop was skillfully installed to serve as the design and development hub for the report.

  2. Access to Power BI Service: A direct gateway to the online Power BI Service was established, allowing seamless publication of the report to a dedicated workspace using my nwu account.

  3. Data Source: The invaluable data source was secured by retrieving the necessary Excel file, conveniently located in the eFundi platform under the Project 5 Resources folder.

Project Progress

Steadfast dedication to project organization was a hallmark of this journey, evident in the following achievements:

  • GitHub Repository: To serve as the project's digital sanctum, I erected a repository bearing the name 'CMPG 323 Project 5 - 33574359,' meticulously organized to house all project-related files and code.

  • File: This file, your compass for the project's purpose and usage guidelines, was crafted to guide stakeholders effectively.

  • Regular Commits and Pushes: Commitment to the version control process was unwavering, with the report's code and related files consistently committed and pushed to source control to transparently track project progress.

  • GitHub Project: The GitHub project was thoughtfully updated in an iterative fashion, providing stakeholders with a window into the evolving project timeline and the development process.

Project Setup

The genesis of the project involved the following pivotal steps:

  • Reporting Project: A new Power BI report christened 'EcoPower Logistics – Order Monitoring' was ingeniously created within Power BI Desktop, setting the stage for in-depth report development.

  • Clone Repository: A clone of the GitHub repository was created, facilitating seamless local work on my machine and collaboration with peers.

  • Power BI Desktop Installation: The requisite installation of Power BI Desktop was diligently executed, bestowing the power to design and develop the report.

Report Configuration

The Power BI report is thoughtfully structured to provide dedicated insights into various aspects of EcoPower Logistics:

  • High-Level Metrics: This page encapsulates the most critical data points, offering business stakeholders a quick glimpse into vital information that influences decision-making.

  • Order Monitoring: Through astutely crafted visuals, users can monitor orders based on products, customers, and the dimension of time.

  • Product Monitoring: This section delivers valuable insights into the organization's product landscape, showcasing analytical metrics that support decision-making.

  • Customer Monitoring: Similar to the Product Monitoring section, this segment delves into customer-related data, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and interactions with the logistics system.

Data Connection

To ensure the accuracy and security of data presentation, the following steps were meticulously executed:

  • Data Sources: A judicious decision was made to utilize a local Excel file as the data source for the report. This source data was expertly imported directly into Power BI Desktop, eliminating the need for an external data connection.

  • Data Manipulation: Rigorous data cleaning procedures were employed, effectively eliminating duplicates and ensuring imported data fields were impeccably associated with their corresponding data types.

  • Calculated Columns and Key Measures: To augment the quality of the dataset and visualizations, at least one calculated column and one key measure were thoughtfully added.

Report Development

The development of the Power BI report was carried out with precision, encompassing the following key features:

  • High-Level Metrics: A summary view was meticulously crafted to present essential data points, providing business stakeholders with an insightful vantage point for informed decision-making.

  • Order Monitoring: An array of visuals was created, offering users the ability to monitor orders based on products, customers, and the temporal dimension.

  • Product Monitoring: This section employs visuals that unveil key insights into the organization's product landscape, supported by analytical metrics to enhance the decision-making process.

  • Customer Monitoring: Analogous to the Product Monitoring section, this segment provides invaluable insights into customer-related data, enabling stakeholders to grasp customer behavior and their interactions with the logistics system.

  • Filtering: An elegant set of filter options has been integrated, facilitating the application of filters across pages and visuals. Users can conveniently filter the report based on product category, customer, and order number, simplifying the exploration and analysis of specific facets of the data.


Throughout the project, I relied on various tools and resources to ensure the effective development of the Power BI report. Some of the key references include:

Feel free to explore the repository, access the Power BI report, and use it to gain insights into EcoPower Logistics' logistics data. If you have any questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your interest in this project!