
Event Scheduler Console Application


The Event Scheduler Console Application is a simple command-line tool designed to help you manage events efficiently. It allows you to create, search, delete, and display events using a text-based interface.


  • Data Storage:

    • Events are stored in a simple in-memory structure.
    • No need for external database or file storage.
  • Event Creation:

    • Add new events with title, description, date, and time.
    • Date and time formats are validated for accuracy.
  • Listing Events:

    • Display all events sorted by date and time.
    • Detailed information about each event is presented.
  • Deleting Events:

    • Remove events based on their title.
    • Informative messages for non-existing events.
  • User Interface:

    • Text-based interface for easy interaction.
    • Options to create, view, and delete events.

Code Structure

  • EventScheduler Class:

    • Manages individual events.
    • Handles event attributes, validation, and formatting.
  • MyList Class:

    • Manages a list of events.
    • Provides functions for event manipulation.
  • TestEventSchedulerApp:

    • Main application logic.
    • Displays a menu and calls corresponding functions.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
    git clone https://github.com/TshimbiluniRSA/Junior-Developer-Intern-Challenge