
Example solutions for the Single-Lane-Bridge problem

Primary LanguageJava

Single Lane Bridge Problem

What we want to achieve is having a single lane bridge with cars passing from each direction without crashes. Below are shown the print outs of the different solutions/scenarios in the repo.

Arguments are given in order:

  1. Red car population
  2. Blue car population
  3. Frequency of arrival
  4. Car wait time at bridge

No Crash Scenario (master)

5 Red[200ms], 2 Blue[200ms]

RedCar1 is crossing the bridge
						                        BlueCar1 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
						                        BlueCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar3 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar4 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar5 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge
					                        	BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge
						                        BlueCar2 crossed the bridge
RedCar4 is crossing the bridge
RedCar4 crossed the bridge
						                        BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge
						                        BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
RedCar3 is crossing the bridge
RedCar3 crossed the bridge
RedCar2 is crossing the bridge
RedCar2 crossed the bridge
RedCar5 is crossing the bridge
RedCar5 crossed the bridge

Variable Wait Time Scenario (Random-Wait-Time)

5 Red[Var], 2 Blue[Var]

Run 1

									            BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge[10ms]
RedCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar1 is crossing the bridge[8ms]
									            BlueCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar3 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar4 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar5 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge
								            	BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
RedCar2 is crossing the bridge[30ms]
RedCar2 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge[22ms]
									            BlueCar2 crossed the bridge
RedCar3 is crossing the bridge[11ms]
RedCar3 crossed the bridge
RedCar4 is crossing the bridge[4ms]
RedCar4 crossed the bridge
RedCar5 is crossing the bridge[29ms]
RedCar5 crossed the bridge

Run 2

RedCar1 is crossing the bridge[39ms]
									            BlueCar1 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
									            BlueCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar3 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar4 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar5 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge[18ms]
									            BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
RedCar2 is crossing the bridge[2ms]
RedCar2 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge[45ms]
									            BlueCar2 crossed the bridge
RedCar5 is crossing the bridge[25ms]
RedCar5 crossed the bridge
RedCar4 is crossing the bridge[14ms]
RedCar4 crossed the bridge
RedCar3 is crossing the bridge[18ms]
RedCar3 crossed the bridge

With Collisions (Main-Args-Collisions)

RedCar1 is crossing the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge
RedCar2 is crossing the bridge
				  <!> Collision is about to happen
									            BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge
RedCar2 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar2 crossed the bridge

Without Collisions (Main-Args-No-Collision)

RedCar1 is crossing the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge
RedCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar1 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
									            BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
									            BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar2 crossed the bridge

Alternating Cars (Main-Args-Alternating)

RedCar1 is crossing the bridge
RedCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge
						-BlueCar time-
									            BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
						-RedCar time-
RedCar2 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar3 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 crossed the bridge
						-BlueCar time-
									            BlueCar3 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar4 is waiting to cross the bridge
									            BlueCar3 crossed the bridge
						-RedCar time-
RedCar3 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar5 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar3 crossed the bridge
						-BlueCar time-
									            BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar2 crossed the bridge
					-No more RedCars remaining -> BlueCar time
									            BlueCar4 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar4 crossed the bridge
					-No more RedCars remaining -> BlueCar time
									            BlueCar5 is crossing the bridge
									            BlueCar5 crossed the bridge

Alternating With Priorities (Main-Args-Alternating-Adjusted)

RedWeight -> 4
BlueWeight -> 6
[BlueCar5, BlueCar3, BlueCar4, RedCar4, RedCar3, RedCar2, BlueCar2, BlueCar6, BlueCar1, RedCar1, RedCar5]

                                                BlueCar5 is crossing the bridge
                                                BlueCar3 is waiting to cross the bridge
                                                BlueCar5 crossed the bridge
RedWeight -> 5
BlueWeight -> 5
                                                BlueCar4 is waiting to cross the bridge
                                                BlueCar4 is crossing the bridge
RedCar4 is waiting to cross the bridge
                                                BlueCar4 crossed the bridge
RedWeight -> 5
BlueWeight -> 5
                                                BlueCar3 is crossing the bridge
RedCar3 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
                                                BlueCar3 crossed the bridge
RedWeight -> 6
BlueWeight -> 4

RedCar4 is crossing the bridge
RedCar4 crossed the bridge

RedWeight -> 5
BlueWeight -> 5

RedCar3 is crossing the bridge
                                                BlueCar2 is waiting to cross the bridge
                                                BlueCar6 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar3 crossed the bridge

RedWeight -> 5
BlueWeight -> 5

RedCar2 is crossing the bridge
                                                BlueCar1 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar1 is waiting to cross the bridge
RedCar2 crossed the bridge

RedWeight -> 4
BlueWeight -> 6

                                                BlueCar2 is crossing the bridge
RedCar5 is waiting to cross the bridge
                                                BlueCar2 crossed the bridge
RedWeight -> 5
BlueWeight -> 5
                                                BlueCar6 is crossing the bridge
                                                BlueCar6 crossed the bridge
RedWeight -> 6
BlueWeight -> 4

                                                BlueCar1 is crossing the bridge
                                                BlueCar1 crossed the bridge
RedWeight -> 10
BlueWeight -> 1

RedCar1 is crossing the bridge
RedCar1 crossed the bridge

RedWeight -> 10
BlueWeight -> 1

RedCar5 is crossing the bridge
RedCar5 crossed the bridge

RedWeight -> 1
BlueWeight -> 10