
personal AutoHotkey script config

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

Tsinswreng AutoHotkey script

English | 中文

English version is partly translated by AI


AutoHotkey is required to run these scripts. If the scripts do not work properly, try running them in administrator mode.


This script simulates mouse operations using the keyboard.

By default, the script starts in normal mode. Press F1 + 9 to enter mouse mode and F1 + 0 to return to normal mode.

In keyboard mode, you can move the mouse cursor left, down, right, and up by pressing J, K, L, and ; respectively. The default step length is 10, and you can adjust it using the number keys 1 to 4.

You can also move the mouse cursor left, down, right, and up by pressing N, M, , and . respectively. However, the step length will be four times the original step length.

Press A, S, D, and F to scroll the mouse wheel left, down, right, and up respectively.

Press W for the left mouse button and E for the right mouse button. Long-pressing W will simulate holding down the left mouse button.


This script allows you to move the cursor using the following hotkeys:

Alt + J: Move cursor left

Alt + K: Move cursor down

Alt + L: Move cursor right

Alt + ;: Move cursor up

Alt + I: Home

Alt + O: End

Ctrl + Left: Home

Ctrl + Right: End

You can also press Shift along with these hotkeys to select text.


This script is similar to arrow.ahk, but it moves the cursor four times the distance with each keypress.

Alt + N: Move cursor left four times

Alt + M: Move cursor down four times

Alt + ,: Move cursor right four times

Alt + .: Move cursor up four times

You can also press Shift along with these hotkeys to select text.


This script contains personal remappings of certain keys.

Right Alt key -> Backspace

Forward slash key and right Shift key are swapped

Original [ key -> Y

Original ] key -> [

Original \ key -> ]

Original Y key -> \

Caps Lock key -> Enter

Ctrl + 0 -> Caps Lock