Junior Java Developer | Backend | Java 11 | Spring Boot/Framework | ReactJS | PostgreSQL
Pinned Repositories
TDD Challenge: Implementing the features necessary for the project's tests to pass. This is a system of employees and departments with an N-1 relationship between them.
TDD Challenge: Implementing the features necessary for the project's tests to pass. This is a system of events and cities with an N-1 relationship between them.
Validation and security challenge: In this system, only the GET routes of events and cities are public (no login required). CLIENT users can also post (POST) new events. Other accesses are only allowed for ADMIN users.
Challenge: MovieFlix domain and permission. The MovieFlix system consists of a movie bank, which can be listed and rated by users. Users can be visitors (VISITOR) and members (MEMBER). Only member users can enter ratings into the system. When accessing the system, the user must log in. Only logged-in users can browse the movies. Right after logging in, the user goes to the movie listing, which shows the movies in paginated form, sorted alphabetically by title. Users can filter movies by genre.
Continuation of MovieFlix Challenge (bds05), now with use cases (Log in / Movie list / View movie details) to be implemented so that the project tests pass.
Bootcampm Spring React - DevSuperior
The system consists of a teaching platform that maintains information about courses, classes, and students, as well as a forum for questions and answers about the course content. System actors can be students and teachers. There are also administrator users, who are the only ones authorized to register courses and classes. Bootcamp DevSuperior.
Creating a small app that provides a form to fetch a user's data from Github. Using a public Github API.
Continuation of the MovieFlix Challenge (BDs 05 and 06), now Building a small app that will communicate with the developed backend.
simple app that will access an API called ViaCep(Brazilian postcode).
Tssa301's Repositories
TDD Challenge: Implementing the features necessary for the project's tests to pass. This is a system of events and cities with an N-1 relationship between them.
TDD Challenge: Implementing the features necessary for the project's tests to pass. This is a system of employees and departments with an N-1 relationship between them.
Validation and security challenge: In this system, only the GET routes of events and cities are public (no login required). CLIENT users can also post (POST) new events. Other accesses are only allowed for ADMIN users.
Challenge: MovieFlix domain and permission. The MovieFlix system consists of a movie bank, which can be listed and rated by users. Users can be visitors (VISITOR) and members (MEMBER). Only member users can enter ratings into the system. When accessing the system, the user must log in. Only logged-in users can browse the movies. Right after logging in, the user goes to the movie listing, which shows the movies in paginated form, sorted alphabetically by title. Users can filter movies by genre.
Continuation of MovieFlix Challenge (bds05), now with use cases (Log in / Movie list / View movie details) to be implemented so that the project tests pass.
Bootcampm Spring React - DevSuperior
The system consists of a teaching platform that maintains information about courses, classes, and students, as well as a forum for questions and answers about the course content. System actors can be students and teachers. There are also administrator users, who are the only ones authorized to register courses and classes. Bootcamp DevSuperior.
Creating a small app that provides a form to fetch a user's data from Github. Using a public Github API.
Continuation of the MovieFlix Challenge (BDs 05 and 06), now Building a small app that will communicate with the developed backend.
simple app that will access an API called ViaCep(Brazilian postcode).
Function test exercise. Test and Deployment Module - React ( Bootcamp Spring React - DevSuperior)
Challenge: Layout and navigation. ReactJS project that implements the layout and routes with Responsive Design for an automobile website.
CI/CD: AWS and Github Actions.
Spring Boot 2.4.9 project containing a full web CRUD REST services to access clients resources, containing the five basic operations.
Creating custom exceptions using 3 different solutions: 1 solution - (very bad) validation logic in the main program. 2 solution - (bad) method returning String. 3 solution - (good) exception handling. Bt/DevSuperior
Create a project on Heroku, provision Postgres instantiate the database.
Tokio - Projeto Final: implementação de um simples jogo baseado na história fantástica do livro do Senhor dos Anéis.
Studies - Mediator pattern in C#
Tokio - Module 2: OOP. Basic concepts / Practical exercises
Tokio - Module 3: OOP. Basic concepts II / Practical exercises
Tokio - Module 4: Java _OCP / Practical exercises
Tokio - Module 4: Java _OCP / Practical exercises - Instruments
Tokio - Module 4: Java _OCP / Practical exercises - Supermarket
Tokio - Module 4: Java _OCP / Practical exercises - University
Composition of enumerated objects and types (enumerations). Read data from an order with N items (N provided by the user). Then show a summary of the order.(DevSuperior)
The project used in HTML and CSS Leveling Course - DevSuperior.
Sales System - Dashboard (Bootcamp DevSuperior)
Small project using Microservices with Hexagonal Architecture, DDD, TDD, CQRS and SOLID. (DotNer 07)