
Convert Toolbox Usernotes to Modnotes

Primary LanguagePython

Toolbox to Modnotes Integration

Convert Toolbox's Usernotes to Reddit's Modnotes. Recent announcement of Modnotes.



  • Simple UI
  • Quick Login
  • Easy CSV & JSON export
  • Remember me (praw.ini)
  • Live console
  • Ratelimit tracker
  • Notes tracker
  • Error logging (Local)

Getting Started

Note: To have the interface displayed in the images, you will need chrome. If chrome is not installed the default browser will be used.


You can install Modnotes using one of the following methods:

  1. To clone a project, use the command: git clone https://github.com/Tsu-HaoLiu/Toolbox-Modnotes-Integration.git
  2. Download the .exe from GitHub Releases and install it.
user_agent=/u/USERNAME Toolbox to Modnotes for r/SUBREDDIT

CLI Usage

$ python3 modnotes.py --help
usage: modnotes.py [-h] [-ci CLIENT_ID] [-cs CLIENT_SECRET] [-u USERNAME]
                   [-p PASSWORD] -s SUBREDDIT [-fa FA] [-save SAVE_INFO]
Argument Type Description
-ci, --client_id optional Your client_id is found in your /prefs/app page.
-cs, --client_secret optional Your client_secret is found in your /prefs/app page.
-u, --username optional The Reddit username of the mod account in which you would like to convert toolbox notes to modnotes.
-p, --password optional Provide a configuration file (json) to pre-fill the UI. These can be generated in the settings tab.
-s, --subreddit required The subreddit you want to convert toolbox notes to modnotes.
-fa optional If your account has 2fa enabled you will have to enter the 2FA code.
-save, --save_info optional If you would like to save your info to a praw.ini file. (Default: False)