MVC REST API for book information

Primary LanguageC#


MVC REST API for Book database. It supports CRUD operations (HTTP Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete) on Book objects. Book objects contain their title, author, genre and publisher data.

Technologies/Techniques Used

  • Written in C#
  • ASP.NET Core 5.0 (Entity Framework Core ORM)
  • Microsoft SQL Server as RDBMS
  • MVC design pattern
  • Migration to create database schema within code
  • Repository (Dependency Injection) to handle DbContext
  • DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to control visibilities of model properties
  • Postman & Swagger to test API endpoint

Application Architecture

Below depicts the whole application architecture of this project (created with draw.io)



  1. Clone this repo to your Windows machine
  2. Install .NET Core 5.0 SDK and SQL Server 2019
  3. Add a new user in your SQL Server and restart server
  4. Change User ID and Password fields in appsettings.json to your credentials
  5. Change IP address in applicationURL field from Properties/launchSettings.json to localhost or your machine's IP
  6. Run dotnet ef database update to migrate database
  7. Run dotnet run and visit https://localhost/swagger/index.html on browser!


All contributions are welcome!