
esbuild plugin for Deno that resolves HTTP/HTTPS and npm imports using its cache system

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

esbuild Cache Plugin for Deno

The esbuild Cache Plugin for Deno is an esbuild plugin designed to resolve remote (HTTP/HTTPS) and npm modules using Deno's cache.


  • Resolve HTTP/HTTPS imports to cached files
  • Resolve npm module imports to cached files
  • Resolve import maps
  • Customize loader patterns


To resolve http/https/npm imports, a lock file (default to deno.lock) file is needed. To create this file, ensure you have deno.json in your workspace directory.

Quick Example

// build.ts
import { esbuild } from 'https://deno.land/x/esbuild';
import esbuildCachePlugin from 'https://deno.land/x/esbuild_plugin_cache_deno';

const lockMap = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync('./deno.lock'));

// note that `util.getDenoDir` requires `--allow-run` permission
// due to it parses `deno info` output.
const denoDir = await esbuildCachePlugin.util.getDenoDir();
await esbuild.build({
  entryPoints: [ './src/main.ts' ],
  bundle: true,
  outdir: './dist',
  platform: 'browser',
  plugins: [
      denoCacheDirectory: denoDir,

await esbuild.stop();

Include remote imports in your code, for instance:

// ./src/main.ts
import * as react from "https://esm.sh/react";
// or
// import * as react from "npm:react";


Don't forget to cache src/main.ts with Deno:

$ deno cache ./src/main.ts

See more examples in /example directory.

Getting Deno's Cache Path

You can retrieve Deno's cache path using deno info command:

$ deno info
DENO_DIR location: /home/user/.cache/deno
Remote modules cache: /home/user/.cache/deno/deps
npm modules cache: /home/user/.cache/deno/npm
Emitted modules cache: /home/user/.cache/deno/gen
Language server registries cache: /home/user/.cache/deno/registries
Origin storage: /home/user/.cache/deno/location_data

Or use the utility function to extract the value:

const denoDir = await esbuildCachePlugin.util.getDenoDir();

API Reference


Import the plugin like this:

import esbuildCachePlugin from 'https://deno.land/x/esbuild_plugin_cache_deno';


import { esbuildCachePlugin } from 'https://deno.land/x/esbuild_plugin_cache_deno';


lockMap (required)

The JSON parsed content of lock file.

const lockMap = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync('./deno.lock'));
  denoCacheDirectory: denoDir,

denoCacheDirectory (required)

The cache directory of Deno (DENO_DIR of deno info command).

const denoDir = await esbuildCachePlugin.util.getDenoDir();
  denoCacheDirectory: denoDir,

importMap (optional)

The import map of the project. By default, the plugin resolves the map based on cwd of the process. You can overwrite it with the importMapBasePath option.

  denoCacheDirectory: denoDir,
  importMap: {
    imports: {
      'react': 'https://esm.sh/react'


The base path to resolve import map. Default to Deno.cwd().

  denoCacheDirectory: denoDir,
  importMap: {
    imports: {
      'foo': 'util/foo.ts'
  importMapBasePath: './src',


Rules of the loaders by the module specifier to load. Default to the values below and merged with them taking higher priority.

  { test: /\.(c|m)?js$/, loader: 'js' },
  { test: /\.jsx$/, loader: 'jsx' },
  { test: /\.(c|m)?ts$/, loader: 'ts' },
  { test: /\.tsx$/, loader: 'tsx' },
  { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' },
  { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'css' },
  { test: /\.txt$/, loader: 'text' },

Setting loader empty makes the module ignored:

  denoCacheDirectory: denoDir,
  loaderRules: [{ test: /node:util/, loader: 'empty' }],

Tested packages

Package npm esm.sh jsdelivr.net
React -
Preact -
Lit -
Lodash -

npm Module Support

Reference: Modules: Packages | Node.js v20.2.0 Documentation

Specification Support
Main entry point
Subpath exports Partial
Subpath imports -
Conditional exports
Nested conditions
Resolving user conditions -
Package self-referencing

Subpath exports support

Reference: Package exports | webpack

Specification Support
"." property
Normal property
Property ending with /
Property ending with * -
Alternatives -
Abbreviation only path
Abbreviation only conditions
Conditional syntax
Nested conditional syntax
Conditions order -
"default" condition
Path order -
Error when not mapped -
Error when mixind conditions and paths