Student Management System is a Java application that runs on the Desktop.
It has a GUI but most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface).
Student Management System is suitable University Lecturers with students under their supervision.
Student Management System is capable of adding students to its record and grouping these students into their respective module/tutorial groups.
Student Management System also contains multiple useful functionalities to assist Lecturers on day to day tasks.
Add/Delete Students
View Students Data
Create/Delete Groups
Add Students to Groups
Delete Students from Groups
View Groups
View Students in Groups
Student Distribution
Can be based on Gender
Can be based on Nationality
Send Email to Groups or Multiple Students
Add/Delete Tags to Students Name
Show a summary of Examination Scores of all Students in a particular module.
Student Attendance List Creation
A script that run multiple commands to read inputs from a file
Student Management System is build on top of AddressBook-Level4 project that was created by SE-EDU initiative
Some parts of this application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
Libraries used: TextFX, ControlsFX, Jackson, Guava, JUnit5